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Erik Wessel edited this page Sep 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

Take a seat on your captain's chair and let us guide you through the documentation without hitting any asteroids! ๐Ÿš€ ๐ŸŒŒ

First of all, let's choose the right landing site.

Why StarboundModManager?

The StarboundModManager is a tool designed to be used by server owners.
It may be annoying to get into how the mod system works, when you just want to set up a server and play the game.
Managing mods by copying renaming and keeping them up to date with your workshop mods can be a tedious task.

The mod manager takes on those annoying jobs for you. All you need to keep everything tidy is just a few clicks away.

At this point of reading, you would already have set up your server with this tool. ๐Ÿ˜

How does it work?

Generally speaking the application is very simple. With it you can..

  • take mods from your workshop and move them to your servers mods directory
  • delete mods from your servers mods directory
  • update all mods in your servers mods directory that are also in your workshop to the version of the mods in your workshop

Now a little information about Starbound mods:

Starbound mods are stored as ".pak" files.
In the workshop they are packed inside folders with large numbers as names, while the actual files are always "contents.pak".
The long numbers are identifiers that correspond to the mods themselves.

The application shows you the actual title of the mod instead of the number.
This makes mod management easy, since you know exactly what you are moving!

Versions and their most important changes

Version Wiki-Page Features
1.3 not created yet titles,
only needs steam directory now,
better UI in general,
checkbox auto clear after performed action,
fancy icon
1.2 guide for v1.0-v1.2 (special build for java 12)
1.1.1 guide for v1.0-v1.2 auto refresh of view,
checkbox deselection fix when scrolling
1.0 guide for v1.0-v1.2 first version (no titles and bad UI with specific directories)