This Dockerfile only build Zeppelin which has dependency on the rest of other dockers in "docker-spark-bde2020" including Hadoop, Spark, Hive, etc.
You can get from
docker pull openkbs/docker-spark-bde2020-zeppelin
To build,
docker-compose -f docker-compose-hive.yml up -d zeppelin
There two options to run the entire suite of "docker-spark-bde2020"
- (no Hive support)
- (with Hive support)
For example, to start the entire "docker-spark-bde2020 and zeppelin with Hive support:
For example, to start the entire "docker-spark-bde2020 and zeppelin without Hive support:
To see how this Container work with with the entire big-data-europe/docker-hadoop-spark-workbench, go to "./example-docker-spark-bde2020" directory to explore the entire suite build.
** For example usage see docker-compose.yml and SANSA-Notebooks repository.