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Startup ASP.NET Core app with essential functionalities (Authentication, Dockerization, Settings, etc...)

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Authenticated Web App


This is a startup web app with essential functionalities:

  1. Authentication with JWT
  2. Rate Limiting & CORS settings
  3. Dockerization (and docker compose)
  4. EFCore & DbContext
  5. Production & Development settings


  1. Fill the variables in example.env and rename the file to .env
  2. Run docker-compose.development.yml, you can use the following command:
    docker-compose -f "docker-compose.development.yml" up -d
  3. Import Development.postman_collection.json to postman for testing.

Creating this project as an Exercise:

In this exercise, you will learn how to create a minimal ASP.NET Web API and implement JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication.

Step 1: Setting up the Project

  1. Create a new ASP.NET Web API project.
  2. Configure the project with the necessary dependencies, such as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer package, which provides JWT authentication support.

Step 2: Implementing JWT Authentication

  1. Create a class called JwtTokenGenerator that will be responsible for generating and validating JWT tokens.
  2. Inside the JwtTokenGenerator class, implement a method called GenerateToken that takes in user credentials (e.g., username and password) and returns a JWT token.
  3. Use the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt namespace to create and sign the JWT token. You can use a secure key or a certificate to sign the token.
  4. Implement another method called ValidateToken that takes in a JWT token and verifies its validity, including the signature and expiration date.

Step 3: Creating the API Controller

  1. Create an API controller class that will handle the requests and responses for your API.
  2. Apply the [Authorize] attribute to the controller or specific actions that require authentication.
  3. Create a get method that will return today’s weather or a welcome message, just to show the user that he is authorized and has access to the system.

Step 4: Configuring JWT Authentication

  1. Open the Startup.cs file in your project.
  2. In the ConfigureServices method, configure JWT authentication using the AddAuthentication method and specify the JWT bearer options.
  3. Provide the necessary configuration details such as the issuer, audience, and token validation parameters.
  4. In the Configure method, add the UseAuthentication middleware to enable authentication in your API.

Step 5: Testing the API

  1. Build and run your API project.
  2. Use a tool like Postman or curl to send HTTP requests to your API endpoints.
  3. For authenticated endpoints, include the JWT token in the request headers using the Authorization header. The token should be in the format Bearer <token>.
  4. Test both authenticated and unauthenticated endpoints to ensure that the authentication is working as expected.


In this exercise, you have learned how to create a minimal ASP.NET Web API and implement JWT authentication. This provides a secure way to authenticate and authorize requests to your API endpoints. By understanding the concepts and following the steps outlined in this exercise, you are now equipped with the knowledge to build more complex APIs with JWT authentication in the future.

Remember to document your code thoroughly and explain any additional features or enhancements you may have implemented. Good luck with your exercise!