AutoHotKeys scripts
Assigns global hot-keys for pasting into apps:
- insert the selected text as a citation into DiscordWin+Ctrl+e
- insert@everyone
into DiscordWin+Ctrl+Shift+c
- insert the selected text as a code into SkypeWin+`
- replace selected text with `text `
Assigns global hot-keys for searching in a browser:
- translate the selected text using Yandex.TranslateWin+Ctrl+w
- search the selected text in WikiPedia (Eng)Win+Ctrl+r
- search the selected text in WikiPedia (Rus)Win+Ctrl+g
- search the selected text in Google
Assigns global hot-keys for fixing misprinted text and switching keyboard language:
- fix (transliterate) the word to the left of the cursor or the selected text (Eng/Rus, Rus/Eng)