InterChat Translations
Ever since InterChat went open source, the localization files have been moved to the main monorepo. It can be found here:
Welcome to the InterChat's Translations Repository! This repository contains all the translation YAML files for InterChat, a messaging discord bot designed for seamless cross-server communication.
To contribute to the localization efforts or use the translations in your InterChat project, follow these steps:
- Select a Locale: Choose the desired language YAML file to access the translations for that locale.
- Make Changes: Edit the YAML files to update translations or add new ones. If it doesn't exist you can create a new YAML file for the language you with to translate.
- Contribute: If you've made improvements or added translations for a new locale, feel free to create a pull request.
The repository follows a structured format where the file names is the language code of the translated language:
en.yml: English locale files.
tr.yml: Turkish locale files.
... and so on.
We appreciate contributions! If you'd like to add support for a new language or improve existing translations, follow these steps:
Fork the repository.
Make your changes.
Commit and push your changes:
git add . git commit -m "Add support for <language>" git push origin feature/new-locale
You can also do it through github's UI.
Open a pull request.
locales\en.yml is the main file, there you have to upload everything with the original language.
Once you have put in everything you want to translate, run it:
pnpm i pnpm run start
You need to have Node.js installed
Then you have to wait for the program to translate everything, the more data the longer it will take.
- Project originally from FNLB and edited to support YML
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or join our official discord server.