This gem allows to vizualize tree of Ancestry model in ActiveAdmin resource.
NOTE: Resource model should have has_ancestry
Add to your ActiveAdmin resource
ActiveAdmin.register YourModel do
ancestry_view(:index) do
# Some of your code for the 'index' view (optional).
# It will been executed before templates rendering.
ancestry_view(:show) do
# Some of your code for the 'show' view (optional).
# It will been executed before templates rendering.
Options - it's an extended version of ancestry_views(:index)
or ancestry_view(:show)
, actually just optional hash.
So please, try to include only ONE ancestry_view
per action (index or show). Otherwise it will result in the error loop with "stack level too deep" message.
# Same options available for ancestry_view(:show)
ancestry_view :index,
headers: {
title: :some_model_instance_method, # Node title link name
info: 'Info', # 'Info' link name
expand: 'Expand', # 'Expand' link name
table: {
'Name' => :first_name, # Key - any string or symbol, value - model instance method.
:email => :email # Table, as well as 'Info' and 'Expand' links,
}, # shows only if :table has some values.
no_childless_link: true, # Hide link to #show for childless nodes. Default is false
no_color: true, # On/off color nodes. Default is false
shift_depth: 4 # In 'parrots'; looks fine if >= 3. Default is 4
YourModel.first.full_ancestry # Same as #ancestry, but includes instance id
YourModel.ordered_collection(ids) # Return ActiveRecord::Relation in order equal to
# ids order. If ids equal to [2,1,3], relation will be
# sorted as [2,1,3] agaist default [1,2,3] way.
Add to your Gemfile
gem 'activeadmin', github: 'activeadmin'
gem 'ancestry'
gem 'activeadmin_ancestry_view'
And then execute
$ bundle
For adding required assets and concerns please run
$ rails g activeadmin_ancestry_view:install
For index resource you are still able to use scoped_collection
For example, to not displaying nodes with depth > 2:
ActiveAdmin.register SomeModel do
controller do
def scoped_collection
Also, you're able to change default locale setting. In config/locales
expand: Розгорнути
info: Інфо
wrong_action: "Не той екшн. Дозволені: %{actions}"