Currency exchange is Java based web application using latest version of spring boot, jpa, hibernate, mysql. Main aim of this web service is to convert provided amount in the API from the world popular currencies into indian rupee. Majorly 5 currencies are being converted into INR, in this project. We will insert the conversion value from these currencies to INR into the database and when we hit the currency-exchange api with the amount, it will convert that amount of currency into INR. Ex. for amount entered 1, all the corresponding currency values are converted into INR.
- USD: American dollar => 1USD = ₹82
- EUR: Euro=> 1 EUR = ₹89
- AUD: Australian dollar => 1 AUD = ₹55
- GBP: Pound => 1GBP = ₹103
- KWD: Kuwaiti Dinar => 1KWD = ₹267
GitHub link of the source code is here.
Docker hub link of all the images created is here.
- Test URL (If everything is working fine): GET
Response Body:
Currency Exchange service is working fine
- Exchange rate DB insertion API: POST
Request Body:
[ { "from": "USD", "to": "INR", "conversionMultiple": 82 }, { "from": "EUR", "to": "INR", "conversionMultiple": 89 }, { "from": "AUD", "to": "INR", "conversionMultiple": 267 }, { "from": "GBP", "to": "INR", "conversionMultiple": 103 }, { "from": "KWD", "to": "INR", "conversionMultiple": 267 } ]
- Requesting conversion values for amount input: GET
Response Body:
{ "id": 1, "to": "INR", "from": "USD-EUR-AUD-GBP-KWD", "conversionMultiple": 1.0, "inputValue": 20, "usdToInrValue": 1640.00, "eurToInrValue": 1780.00, "audToInrValue": 5340.00, "gbpToInrValue": 2060.00, "kwdToInrValue": 5340.00 }
Docker images can be created in two ways:
Adding the docker plugin details in the pom.xml file and maven build the project. Add this line below maven plugin
<configuration> <image> <name>devanurag/${project.artifactId}:${project.version}</name> </image> <pullPolicy>IF_NOT_PRESENT</pullPolicy> </configuration>
Here devanurag is the docker hub username. Then run this command in maven build… of eclipse
spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests
This will create the docker image with the name devanurag/currency-exchange: For reference adding link for maven commands: For first time building the project use mvn package command in the terminal.
Another way using the command line by creating the docker image from the jar file as mentioned in Dockerfile
docker build -t currency-exchange:<TAG> .
-t is for tagging the image. currency-exchange is the name of the image. TAG is the tag you want to add to that image. If you don’t add any tag, it defaults to the tag named latest. . means, we are referring to the Dockerfile location as the docker build context.
For running the docker image generated
docker run -p 8291:8291 currency-exchange:<TAG>
Check if you are logged in, if not logged in, it will ask for username and password
docker login
Change the docker tag before pushing, add docker username ( in front of the image. It will push the image to that username account.
docker tag currency-exchange:<TAG> devanurag/currency-exchange:<TAG>
Push the docker image to docker hub
docker push devanurag/currency-exchange:<TAG>
Run the docker using docker compose file
docker-compose up
List all the running containers
docker container ls
docker ps
Remove all unused containers, networks, images
docker system prune
We are running kubernetes on the GKE free version. Create the cluster on GKE and run the following commands in the GKE console.
For applying the secret
kubectl apply -f mysqldb-secret.yaml
To check the secret is successfully applied
kubectl get secret
For applying the configmap
kubectl apply -f mysqldb-configmap.yaml
To check the configmap is successfully applied
kubectl get configmap
For applying the storage class and persistent volume claim
kubectl apply -f mysqldb-storage.yaml
For checking the pvc
kubectl get pvc
Now, applying the mysql database deployment
kubectl apply -f mysqldb-deployment.yaml
To check if the mysql server is running
kubectl exec -it <mysql-pod-name> --bash
bash-4.4# mysql currency_exchange_db -u root -p
If mysql server is running login using the credentials, you will be logged in
bash-4.4# mysql currency_exchange_db -u root -p
Let's get the port number and more information about mysql pod
kubectl describe pod <mysql-pod-name>
To check if the mysql service is running, on what type, IP address and Port:
kubectl get service
kubectl describe service <mysql-service-name>
Now, let's deploy the currency exchange service
kubectl apply -f currency-exchange-deployment.yaml
Keep on checking with the pod, what's happening
kubectl get pod <pod-name> --watch
Check the logs for the pod
kubectl logs --tail=-1 <pod-name>
Get all the deployments
kubectl get deploy
For deleting the deployment
kubectl delete deploy <deployment-name>
For deleting the service
kubectl delete service <service-name>
For deleting everything (pods, deployments, containers, services)
kubectl delete all --all
For removing all the files locally from GKE
rm *
sql query to insert dummy data into the database
insert into currency_exchange (conversion_id, conversion_value, conversion_from, conversion_to) values(1001, 82, 'USD', 'INR');
insert into currency_exchange (conversion_id, conversion_value, conversion_from, conversion_to) values(1002, 89, 'EUR', 'INR');
insert into currency_exchange (conversion_id, conversion_value, conversion_from, conversion_to) values(1003, 55, 'AUD', 'INR');
insert into currency_exchange (conversion_id, conversion_value, conversion_from, conversion_to) values(1004, 103, 'GBP', 'INR');
insert into currency_exchange (conversion_id, conversion_value, conversion_from, conversion_to) values(1005, 267, 'KWD', 'INR');