Multi-purpose plugin that creates many features around cuffing events to help moderation/gameplay changes
WIP, I have a few planned features for this plugin but I want more so please gib suggestions
- Go here and download the latest release,
- Disallow damage to detain players
- Blacklist certain RoleTypes from damaging detain players
- Remove cuffs when the detained player moves too far from the detainer (The best way to describe how
is measured is by feet I would say? I would test it before using it on your main server)
# Whether or not the plugin is enabled.
is_enabled: true
# Should debug logs be enabled?
debug: false
# Can detain players get shot?
detain_player_take_dmg: true
# Blacklist of roletypes that cannot damage a detain player
- Spectator
- ClassD
- Scientist
# Whitelist of roletypes that can damage cuffed players. THIS WILL BYPASS ALL CHECKS
- Tutorial
# Should detained players get uncuffed when they move too far away from cuffer?
remove_cuffs_distance_feature: false
# How far the detained player should be from the detainer to get uncuffed
remove_cuffs_distance: 10
- Scp173, ClassD, Spectator, Scp106, NtfSpecialist, Scp049, Scientist, Scp079, ChaosConscript, Scp096, Scp0492, NtfSergeant, NtfCaptain, NtfPrivate, Tutorial, FacilityGuard, Scp939, CustomRole, ChaosRifleman, ChaosRepressor, ChaosMarauder, Overwatch