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Contains the source code of the paper "Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory" published at SIGMOD'24.


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Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory

Implementation of distributed inverted list indexing techniques under memory disaggregation. This is the source code of the paper "Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory" published and presented at SIGMOD'24.

Quick StartSetupUsageData Preprocessing


    author = {Widmoser, Manuel and Kocher, Daniel and Augsten, Nikolaus},
    title = {Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory},
    journal = {Proc. ACM Manag. Data},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    year = {2024},
    volume = {2},
    number = {3},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3654974}

Quick Start

This section shows how to run a simple two-machine setup on a small example dataset and the expected program outputs. For a more detailed description of the commands and requirements, we refer to the corresponding sections below. The following assumptions are made to run the code (on one compute node and one memory node):

  • both machines are within the same InfiniBand network,
  • the required packages are installed on both machines,
  • clang++ is installed as C++ compiler,
  • the IP addresses are adjusted accordingly (cf. Nodes),
  • cluster1 is the compute node, cluster2 the memory node,
  • the directory /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/ is accessible from both nodes (e.g., via NFS) and contains the files in example/ from this repository (an exemplary binary index file and some random queries).

Clone and compile the code on both machines (without hugepages; setting up hugepages is described here):

git clone
cd rdma-inverted-index
mkdir build
cd build

Preprocessing: on one of the machines, partition the dataset upfront:

data_processing/partitioner -i /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/example-lists.dat -o /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/ -s block -n 1 -b 1024

On the memory node, run:

numactl --membind=1 --cpunodebind=1 ./block_index --is-server --num-clients 1

On the compute node, run:

numactl --membind=1 ./block_index --initiator --index-dir /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/ --query-file /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/example-queries.txt --servers cluster2 --threads 4 --operation intersection --block-size 1024

The output on the compute node should be similar to

connect to:                   [cluster2]
is initiator:                 true
TCP port:                     1234
IB port:                      1
max outstanding CQEs:         16
max send work requests:       1024
max receive work requests:    1024
index directory:              /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/
query file:                   /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/example-queries.txt
operation:                    intersection
number of threads:            4
threads pinned:               true
block size:                   1024
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
num_cores: 16
physical cores per socket: 8
hyperthreading disabled
interleaved policy
client id: 0
number of clients: 1
connect to server cluster2
pairing: 533 -- 534
[STATUS]: pinned main thread to core 8
[STATUS]: exchange information with compute nodes
[STATUS]: receive access tokens of remote memory regions
[STATUS]: read meta data and assign remote pointers
[STATUS]: read queries
size of queries: 24132 Bytes
[STATUS]: allocate worker threads and read buffers
allocated ALIGNED MEM (no hugepage) at 140104859615296 with buffer size 262144
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
pairing: 534 -- 535
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
pairing: 535 -- 536
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
pairing: 536 -- 537
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
pairing: 537 -- 538
[STATUS]: run worker threads
[STATUS]: pinned thread 1 to core 0
[STATUS]: pinned thread 2 to core 9
[STATUS]: pinned thread 3 to core 1
query 0 [read] (len=2): [9 51]
query 100 [read] (len=2): [536 683]
query 200 [read] (len=3): [238 276 990]
query 300 [read] (len=4): [68 124 707 791]
query 400 [read] (len=4): [346 405 607 899]
query 500 [read] (len=5): [90 187 425 575 739]
query 600 [read] (len=5): [538 849 851 883 932]
query 700 [read] (len=6): [182 439 664 875 878 931]
query 800 [read] (len=7): [51 276 320 340 341 423 552]
query 900 [read] (len=8): [92 112 240 371 537 552 700 788]
[STATUS]: join compute threads
t0 processed queries: 337, READ lists: 0.387253, polling: 0, operation: 0
t1 processed queries: 245, READ lists: 0.475905, polling: 0, operation: 0
t2 processed queries: 257, READ lists: 0.374502, polling: 0, operation: 0
t3 processed queries: 161, READ lists: 0.406743, polling: 0, operation: 0
[STATUS]: gather query statistics
[STATUS]: gather timings

  "allocated_read_buffers_size": 274432,
  "catalog_size": 8000,
  "mb_per_sec": 2907.1562137754227,
  "meta": {
    "algorithm": "block-based",
    "block_size": 1024,
    "compute_nodes": 1,
    "compute_threads": 4,
    "hyperthreading": "false",
    "index_directory": "example",
    "memory_nodes": 1,
    "operation": "intersection",
    "query_file": "example-queries.txt",
    "threads_pinned": "true"
  "num_insert_queries": 0,
  "num_queries": 1000,
  "num_read_queries": 1000,
  "num_result": 0,
  "queries_per_sec": 564081,
  "rdma_reads_in_bytes": 5153792,
  "timings": {
    "query_c0": 1.772795,
    "query_total": 1.772795
  "total_index_buffer_size": 1024000,
  "total_initial_index_size": 1024000,
  "universe_size": 1000

The output on the memory node should be similar to

num clients:                  1
TCP port:                     1234
IB port:                      1
max outstanding CQEs:         16
max send work requests:       1024
max receive work requests:    1024
1 device(s) found
Selected device: mlx4_0
num_cores: 32
physical cores per socket: 8
hyperthreading enabled
interleaved policy
pairing: 534 -- 533
[STATUS]: pinned main thread to core 8
[STATUS]: receive index file location
index file: /mnt/dbgroup-share/example/block1024_m1_of1_index.dat
index file size: 1024000
allocated ALIGNED MEM (no hugepage) at 140400725594176 with buffer size 1024000
[STATUS]: read index into memory
index size: 1024000
total index buffer size: 1024000
[STATUS]: register memory and distribute access token
[STATUS]: connect QPs of compute threads
pairing: 535 -- 534
pairing: 536 -- 535
pairing: 537 -- 536
pairing: 538 -- 537
[STATUS]: idle


All our experiments were conducted on an 9-node cluster with five compute nodes and four memory nodes. Each compute node has two Intel Xeon E5-2630 v3 2.40GHz processors with 16 cores (8 cores each; hyperthreading enabled) and the memory nodes have two physical Intel Xeon E5-2603 v4 1.70GHz processors with 12 cores (6 cores each). All machines run Debian 10 Buster with a Linux 4.19 kernel, and are equipped with 96GB of main memory and a Mellanox ConnectX-3 NIC connected to a 18-port SX6018/U1 InfiniBand switch (FDR 56Gbps). For RDMA support, we have installed the MLNX_OFED 4.9-x LTS Linux RDMA driver.

C++ Libraries and Unix Packages

The following C++ libraries and Unix packages are required to compile the code. Note that ibverbs (the RDMA library) is Linux-only. The code also compiles without InfiniBand network cards.

  • ibverbs
  • boost (to support boost::program_options for CLI parsing)
  • pthreads (for multithreading)
  • oneTBB (for concurrent data structures)
  • a C++ compiler that supports C++17 (we used clang++-12)
  • cmake
  • numactl

For instance, to install the requirements on Debian, run the following command:

apt-get -y install clang libboost-all-dev libibverbs1 libibverbs-dev numactl cmake libtbb-dev git git-lfs python3-venv


Adjust the IP addresses of the cluster nodes accordingly in rdma-library/library/

std::map<str, str> node_to_ip{
{"cluster1", ""},
{"cluster2", ""},
{"cluster3", ""},
{"cluster4", ""},
{"cluster5", ""},
{"cluster6", ""},
{"cluster7", ""},
{"cluster8", ""},
{"cluster9", ""},
{"cluster10", ""},


After cloning the repository and installing the requirements, the code must be compiled on all cluster nodes:

mkdir build
cd build


The following index executables exist: term_index (read-only term-based index), document_index (read-only document-based index), block_index (read-only block-based index), dynamic_block_index (block-based index that supports updates). A cluster node can either be a memory node or a compute node, exact one compute node must be an initiator.

To reduce the number of address translations, it is recommended to allocate hugepages on all the cluster nodes:

echo n > /sys/devices/system/node/node1/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages

where n is the number of hugepages. To run the index without hugepages, use -DNOHUGEPAGES as an additional compiler flag.

Compute Nodes

Run on the initiator:

numactl --membind=1 <executable> --initiator --index-dir <index-binary-directory> --query-file <query-file> --servers <memory-nodes> --clients <compute-nodes> --threads <num-threads> --operation <operation> --block-size <block-size>
  • <executable> is either term_index, document_index, block_index, or dynamic_block_index
  • <index-binary-directory> is the directory where the index binary files are stored (cf. Data Preprocessing below)
  • <query-file> is the file that contains the queries (cf. Data Preprocessing below)
  • <memory-nodes> is a list of memory nodes (separated with white-spaces)
  • <compute-nodes> is a list of compute nodes (excluding the initiator)
  • <num-threads is the number of compute threads per compute node
  • <operation> is the operation performed for read queries: either intersection or union
  • <block-size> is the size of a block (relevant only for block_index and dynamic_block_index)

Run on the remaining compute nodes:

numactl --membind=1 <executable> --servers <memory-nodes>

Memory Nodes

numactl --membind=1 --cpunodebind=1 <executable> --is-server --num-clients <num-compute-nodes>
  • <num-compute-nodes> is the number of compute nodes that will connect to the memory node


The following CLI options can be adjusted:

Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]                    Show help message
  -s [ --is-server ]               Program acts as server if set
  --servers arg                    A list of server nodes to which a client
                                   connects, e.g., "cluster3"
  --clients arg                    A list of client nodes to which the
                                   initiator connects, e.g., "cluster4
  -i [ --initiator ]               Program acts as initiating client if set
  -c [ --num-clients ] arg (=1)    Number of clients that connect to each
                                   server (relevant only for server nodes)
  --port arg (=1234)               TCP port
  --ib-port arg (=1)               Port of infiniband device
  --max-poll-cqes arg (=16)        Number of outstanding RDMA operations
                                   allowed (hardware-specific)
  --max-send-wrs arg (=1024)       Maximum number of outstanding send work
  --max-receive-wrs arg (=1024)    Maximum number of outstanding receive work
  -d [ --index-dir ] arg           Location of the partitioned index files.
  -q [ --query-file ] arg          Input file containing queries for the index.
  -t [ --threads ] arg             Number of threads per compute node
  -o [ --operation ] arg           Operation performed on lists: either
                                   "intersection" or "union".
  -p [ --disable-thread-pinning ]  Disables pinning compute threads to physical
                                   cores if set.
  -b [ --block-size ] arg (=1024)  Block size in bytes (only used by

Data Preprocessing

⏰ For CCNEWS and TWITTER, we provide preprocessed binary files since processing them takes quite a while. Links and instructions can be found below. SSB and TOY can be easily reproduced by following the steps listed below.


We have used the following datasets in our experiments:


Download and extract the dataset from and run

python3 scripts/twitter/ links-anon.txt > twitter-lists.txt
python3 scripts/twitter/ twitter-lists.txt > twitter-lists-reassigned.txt

to create the index file. For further binary processing (see below), manually add the universe size and the number of lists to the top of the file. The queries are generated using the script.

⏰ The preprocessed binary index file and the corresponding queries can be found here (with statistics and a detailed description). To download them, run the following commands:

git clone
cd twitter-mpi
git lfs pull
tar -xvf twitter-mpi.tar.zst


To create the tables, we provide a script that uses the SSB-DB generator (dbgen -s 1 -T a):

cd scripts
bash ssb/

To create the index file and the queries, run the following:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ssb
python3 > ssb-lists.txt
python3 <num-queries> > ssb-queries.txt\


The CCNEWS data can be downloaded from (the compressed .ciff file). With the ciff tool, the lists can be extracted. The queries are given and must be converted.

⏰ The preprocessed binary index file and the corresponding queries can be found here (with statistics and a detailed description). To download them, run the following commands:

git clone
cd ccnews
git lfs pull
tar -xvf cc-news-en.tar.zst


We have used

python3 scripts/ 2000000 100000 50 100 200

to create 2M random documents containing 100 terms on average, the scripts/ script to convert the documents to lists, and

python3 scripts/ 100000 100000 2 5 10

to create uniform random queries with an average size of 5. The documents must be converted to lists, and the queries prefixed with r: (see below).

Creating Binary Index Files

To create a binary index file, the dataset file should have the following input format:

universe size
number of lists (is the same in many cases)
list id: list entries separated via whitespace

List ids should be consecutive. For instance:

0: 345422 651571 915383 
1: 494792 537875 1066751 1095655 1358056

Using data_processing/serializer -i <input-file> -o <output-file>, we get the following output format (as binary output, all 32bit integers):


Partitioning Index Binary Files

Finally, we must partition the index upfront such that our algorithms can deal with it (they have to simply load the partitioned binary index and meta files rather than partition the index each time on its own):

data_processing/partitioner -i <binary-input-file> -o <output-path> -s <strategy> -n <num-nodes> [-b <block-size>] [-a -q <query-file>]
  • <binary-input-file> is the output of serializer, i.e., the entire serialized binary index.
  • <output-path> is a path to which the partitioned index binary files are written.
  • <strategy> is the partitioning strategy, can either be term, document, or block.
  • <num-nodes> is the number of memory nodes, i.e., the number of partitions.
  • <block-size> is the block size in bytes (used only if the strategy is block, default is 2048).
  • -a partitions only accessed lists (given in the query file <query-file>), currently only implemented for block-based

The output directory (including its files) must be accessible by all compute (for meta data) and memory nodes (for index data), e.g., stored on a network file storage.

Query Files

The content of a query file must be as follows:

r: <term_1> ... <term_n>
i: <doc-id> <term>
  • r: indicates a read query (computes the intersection between the lists given by the terms)
  • i: indicates an insert query (inserts the document id to the list represented by the term)

Constructing Update Queries

For inserts, we create 95% of the index and use the remaining 5% for index queries (drawn at random). First, re-create the documents out of the binary index file by using ./create_documents > <doc_file>. Then with ./draw_documents_and_create_index, we randomly draw 5% of the documents, store them in a separate file, and build a 95% binary index. Finally, the script mixes read and insert queries. With, we can split the long insert queries into multiple single-term queries. Please note that and must be adjusted, respectively (TODO: CLI options):

Dataset dataset = Dataset::SSDB;
str prefix = "/mnt/dbgroup-share/mwidmoser/data/";

Dataset dataset = Dataset::SSDB;
str prefix = "/mnt/dbgroup-share/mwidmoser/data/index/raw_index_and_document_files/";
str binary_prefix = "/mnt/dbgroup-share/mwidmoser/data/index/serialized/";


Contains the source code of the paper "Scalable Distributed Inverted List Indexes in Disaggregated Memory" published at SIGMOD'24.





