This Go library provides functions to navigate websites and retrieve information using chromedp
. It supports basic actions like fetching HTML content, clicking buttons, filling forms, handling alerts, and more complex interactions such as dynamically loaded content.
To use this library, you need to install:
go get
go get
Importing the Library First, import the library in your Go project:
import "DanielFillol/goSpider"
Here's an example of how to use the library: If you need a more complete example of use, please take a look on this project
package main
import (
func main() {
users := []goSpider.Requests{
{SearchString: "1017927-35.2023.8.26.0008"},
{SearchString: "0002396-75.2013.8.26.0201"},
{SearchString: "1551285-50.2021.8.26.0477"},
{SearchString: "0015386-82.2013.8.26.0562"},
{SearchString: "0007324-95.2015.8.26.0590"},
{SearchString: "1545639-85.2023.8.26.0090"},
{SearchString: "1557599-09.2021.8.26.0090"},
{SearchString: "1045142-72.2021.8.26.0002"},
{SearchString: "0208591-43.2009.8.26.0004"},
{SearchString: "1024511-70.2022.8.26.0003"},
numberOfWorkers := 1
duration := 0 * time.Millisecond
results, err := goSpider.ParallelRequests(users, numberOfWorkers, duration, Crawler)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Expected %d results, but got %d, List results: %v", len(users), 0, len(results))
log.Println("Finish Parallel Requests!")
func Crawler(d string) (*html.Node, error) {
url := ""
nav := goSpider.NewNavigator("", true)
err := nav.OpenURL(url)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("OpenURL error: %v", err)
return nil, err
err = nav.CheckRadioButton("#interna_NUMPROC > div > fieldset > label:nth-child(5)")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("CheckRadioButton error: %v", err)
return nil, err
err = nav.FillField("#nuProcessoAntigoFormatado", d)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("filling field error: %v", err)
return nil, err
err = nav.ClickButton("#botaoConsultarProcessos")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ClickButton error: %v", err)
return nil, err
err = nav.WaitForElement("#tabelaUltimasMovimentacoes > tr:nth-child(1) > td.dataMovimentacao", 15*time.Second)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("WaitForElement error: %v", err)
return nil, err
pageSource, err := nav.GetPageSource()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("GetPageSource error: %v", err)
return nil, err
return pageSource, nil
Functions Overview
- NewNavigator(profilePath string, headless bool) *Navigator Creates a new instance of the Navigator struct, initializing a new ChromeDP context and logger. profilePath: the path to chrome profile defined by the user;can be passed as an empty string headless: if false will show chrome UI
nav := goSpider.NewNavigator()
- Close() Closes the Navigator instance and releases resources.
- OpenNewTab(url string) error Opens a new browser tab with the specified URL.
err := nav.OpenNewTab("")
- OpenURL(url string) error Opens the specified URL in the current browser context.
err := nav.OpenURL("")
- GetCurrentURL() (string, error) Returns the current URL of the browser.
currentURL, err := nav.GetCurrentURL()
- Login(url, username, password, usernameSelector, passwordSelector, loginButtonSelector string, messageFailedSuccess string) error Logs into a website using the provided credentials and selectors.
err := nav.Login("", "username", "password", "#username", "#password", "#login-button", "Login failed")
- CaptureScreenshot() error Captures a screenshot of the current browser window and saves it as screenshot.png.
err := nav.CaptureScreenshot()
- GetElement(selector string) (string, error) Retrieves the text content of an element specified by the selector.
text, err := nav.GetElement("#elementID")
- WaitForElement(selector string, timeout time.Duration) error Waits for an element specified by the selector to be visible within the given timeout.
err := nav.WaitForElement("#elementID", 5*time.Second)
- ClickButton(selector string) error Clicks a button specified by the selector.
err := nav.ClickButton("#buttonID")
- ClickElement(selector string) error Clicks an element specified by the selector.
err := nav.ClickElement("#elementID")
- CheckRadioButton(selector string) error Selects a radio button specified by the selector.
err := nav.CheckRadioButton("#radioButtonID")
- UncheckRadioButton(selector string) error Unchecks a checkbox specified by the selector.
err := nav.UncheckRadioButton("#checkboxID")
- FillField(selector string, value string) error Fills a field specified by the selector with the provided value.
err := nav.FillField("#fieldID", "value")
- ExtractTableData(selector string) ([]map[int]map[string]interface{}, error) Extracts data from a table specified by the selector.
tableData, err := nav.ExtractTableData("#tableID")
- ExtractDivText(parentSelectors ...string) (map[string]string, error) Extracts text content from divs specified by the parent selectors.
textData, err := nav.ExtractDivText("#parent1", "#parent2")
- FetchHTML(url string) (string, error) Fetches the HTML content of the specified URL.
htmlContent, err := nav.FetchHTML("")
- ExtractLinks() ([]string, error) Extracts all links from the current page.
links, err := nav.ExtractLinks()
- FillForm(formSelector string, data map[string]string) error Fills out a form specified by the selector with the provided data and submits it.
formData := map[string]string{
"username": "myUsername",
"password": "myPassword",
err := nav.FillForm("#loginForm", formData)
- HandleAlert() error Handles JavaScript alerts by accepting them.
err := nav.HandleAlert()
- SelectDropdown(selector, value string) error Selects an option in a dropdown specified by the selector and value.
err := nav.SelectDropdown("#dropdownID", "optionValue")
- FindNodes(node *html.Node, nodeExpression string) ([]*html.Node, error) extracts nodes content from nodes specified by the parent selectors
nodeData, err := goSpider.FindNode(pageSource,"#parent1")
- ExtractText(node *html.Node, nodeExpression string, Dirt string) (string, error)
textData, err := goSpider.ExtractText(pageSource,"#parent1", "\n")
- func ExtractTable(pageSource *html.Node, tableRowsExpression string) ([]*html.Node, error)
tableData, err := goSpider.ExtractTableData(pageSource,"#tableID")
- ParallelRequests(requests []Requests, numberOfWorkers int, duration time.Duration, crawlerFunc func(string) (map[string]string, []map[int]map[string]interface{}, []map[int]map[string]interface{}, error)) ([]ResponseBody, error) Performs web scraping tasks concurrently with a specified number of workers and a delay between requests. The crawlerFunc parameter allows for flexibility in defining the web scraping logic. Parameters: requests: A slice of Requests structures containing the data needed for each request. numberOfWorkers: The number of concurrent workers to process the requests. duration: The delay duration between each request to avoid overwhelming the target server. crawlerFunc: A user-defined function that takes a process number as input and returns cover data, movements, people, and an error.
users := []goSpider.Requests{
{SearchString: "1017927-35.2023.8.26.0008"},
{SearchString: "0002396-75.2013.8.26.0201"},
{SearchString: "1551285-50.2021.8.26.0477"},
{SearchString: "0015386-82.2013.8.26.0562"},
{SearchString: "0007324-95.2015.8.26.0590"},
{SearchString: "1545639-85.2023.8.26.0090"},
{SearchString: "1557599-09.2021.8.26.0090"},
{SearchString: "1045142-72.2021.8.26.0002"},
{SearchString: "0208591-43.2009.8.26.0004"},
{SearchString: "1024511-70.2022.8.26.0003"},
numberOfWorkers := 1
duration := 0 * time.Millisecond
results, err := goSpider.ParallelRequests(users, numberOfWorkers, duration, Crawler)
- EvaluateParallelRequests(previousResults []PageSource, crawlerFunc func(string) (*html.Node, error), evaluate func([]PageSource) ([]Request, []PageSource)) ([]PageSource, error)
EvaluateParallelRequests iterates over a set of previous results, evaluates them using the provided evaluation function,
and handles re-crawling of problematic sources until all sources are valid or no further progress can be made.
- previousResults: A slice of PageSource objects containing the initial crawl results.
- crawlerFunc: A function that takes a string (URL or identifier) and returns a parsed HTML node and an error.
- evaluate: A function that takes a slice of PageSource objects and returns two slices:
- A slice of Request objects for sources that need to be re-crawled.
- A slice of valid PageSource objects. Returns:
- A slice of valid PageSource objects after all problematic sources have been re-crawled and evaluated.
- An error if there is a failure in the crawling process. Example usage:
results, err := EvaluateParallelRequests(resultsFirst, Crawler, Eval)
func Eval(previousResults []PageSource) ([]Request, []PageSource) {
var newRequests []Request
var validResults []PageSource
for _, result := range previousResults {
_, err := extractDataCover(result.Page, "")
if err != nil {
newRequests = append(newRequests, Request{SearchString: result.Request})
} else {
validResults = append(validResults, result)
return newRequests, validResults
- func LoginWithGoogle(email, password string) error performs the Google login on The email and password are required for loggin and the 2FA code is passed on prompt.
err := nav.LoginWithGoogle("yor_login", "your_password")