APEX Signature allows you to draw smooth signatures into a HTML5 canvas and enables you to save the resulting image into database. It is based on JS Framework Signature Pad (https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad).
- Import plugin file "region_type_plugin_de_danielh_apexsignature.sql" from source directory into your application
- (Optional) Deploy the JS files from "server" directory on your webserver and change the "File Prefix" to webservers folder.
The plugin settings are highly customizable and you can change:
- Width - Default width of signature area
- Height - Default height of signature area
- Line minWidth - Minimum width of a line. Defaults to 0.5
- Line maxWidth - Maximum width of a line. Defaults to 2.5
- Background Color - Background color of signature area. Defaults to "rgba(0,0,0,0)", can be RGB, Hex or color name like white or black
- Pen color - Color used to draw the lines. Defaults to "black", can be RGB, Hex or color name like white or black
- PLSQL Code - PLSQL code which saves the resulting image to database tables or collections, default APEX_COLLECTION: "APEX_SIGNATURE"
- Clear Button JQuery Selector - JQuery Selector to identify the "Clear Button" to clear signature area (#MY_BUTTON_STATIC_ID or .my_button_class)
- Save Button JQuery Selector - JQuery Selector to identify the "Save Button" to save signature into Database (#MY_BUTTON_STATIC_ID or .my_button_class)
- Save empty Signature Alert text - Alert text when a User tries to save a empty signature
- Show Wait Spinner - Show/Hide wait spinner when saving image into database
- Logging - Whether to log events in the console
- Signature cleared - DA event that fires when the signature area get cleared
- Signature saved to DB - DA event that fires when the signature is successfully save to DB
- Signature saved to DB Error - DA event that fires when saving to DB had an error
- Create a APEX Signature region on target page
- Choose best fitting plugin attributes (help included)
For saving files to DB you can use a PL/SQL function like this:
l_collection_name VARCHAR2(100);
l_clob CLOB;
l_blob BLOB;
l_filename VARCHAR2(100);
l_mime_type VARCHAR2(100);
l_token VARCHAR2(32000);
-- get defaults
l_filename := 'signature_' ||
'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') || '.png';
l_mime_type := 'image/png';
-- build CLOB from f01 30k Array
FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.count LOOP
l_token := wwv_flow.g_f01(i);
IF length(l_token) > 0 THEN
-- convert base64 CLOB to BLOB (mimetype: image/png)
l_blob := apex_web_service.clobbase642blob(p_clob => l_clob);
-- create own collection (here starts custom part (for example a Insert statement))
-- collection name
l_collection_name := 'APEX_SIGNATURE';
-- check if exist
apex_collection.collection_exists(p_collection_name => l_collection_name) THEN
-- add collection member (only if BLOB not null)
IF dbms_lob.getlength(lob_loc => l_blob) IS NOT NULL THEN
apex_collection.add_member(p_collection_name => l_collection_name,
p_c001 => l_filename, -- filename
p_c002 => l_mime_type, -- mime_type
p_d001 => SYSDATE, -- date created
p_blob001 => l_blob); -- BLOB img content
If you use the default PL/SQL code provided with this plugin, the files are saved in a APEX collection called "APEX_SIGNATURE". Select it like that:
SELECT c001 AS filename,
c002 AS mime_type,
d001 AS date_created,
blob001 AS img_content
FROM apex_collections
WHERE collection_name = 'APEX_SIGNATURE';