A simple POC to manage vSphere resources by FastAPI
This project demos how to upload a script file into the specific VM created by vShpere. Then execute the program and get/send the result to the computer.
To get started, you will need Python, pip, uvicorn and pyvmomi
You can install requirements with pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
POST /vm/upload-file upload file to the specific VM.
body parameters
"host": {
"host": "vCenter Host",
"username": "xxx@vsphere.local",
"userpassword": "vCenter password"
"params": {
"vm_name": "VM name",
"vm_user": "VM computer username",
"vm_pwd": "VM computer password",
"path_inside_vm": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\hello.bat", // path you want to store inside the VM
"path_from_local": "/Users/harry_jhan/Desktop/sample/hello.bat" // file path from your computer
POST /vm/run-program Run a script inside the VM, then download the result as
on your machine.
body parameters
"host": {
"host": "vCenter Host",
"username": "xxx@vsphere.local",
"userpassword": "vCenter password"
"params": {
"vm_name": "VM name",
"vm_user": "VM computer username",
"vm_pwd": "VM computer password",
"path_to_program": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\hello.bat" // script you want to run
/classes - data structure
/helper - shared function
filter_helper.py - filter the objects return from vSphere
/models - main logic of the api