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References to related literature can be found at the end of this Readme file.
- Data Science for Dynamical Systems Course Introduction 1 (DS4DS 0.01)
- Data Science for Dynamical Systems Course Introduction 2 (DS4DS 0.02)
Week 1:
- Solution of scalar linear autonomous ODEs (DS4DS 1.01)
- Solution of vectorial linear autonomous ODEs (DS4DS 1.02)
- Matrix exponential solution via diagonalization (DS4DS 1.03)
- Spring-mass-damper as an autonomous state-space system example (DS4DS 1.04)
- State stability of autonomous state-space systems (DS4DS 1.05)
- Nonlinear ODEs (1.06)
Week 2:
- Numerical solutions of ODEs 1 (DS4DS 1.07)
- Numerical solutions of ODEs 2 (DS4DS 1.08)
- Numerical solutions of ODEs 3 (DS4DS 1.09)
- State-space models with inputs (DS4DS 1.10)
- Exact solution of linear state-space models (DS4DS 1.11)
- Observability 1 (DS4DS 1.12)
- Observability 2 (DS4DS 1.13)
- Observability 3 (DS4DS 1.14)
- Discrete dynamical systems (DS4DS 1.15)
Week 3:
Week 4:
- Linear model identification: intro part 1/2 (DS4DS 2.01)
- Linear model identification: intro part 2/2 (DS4DS 2.02)
- Linear least squares solution (DS4DS 2.03)
- Ordinary least squares: static example (DS4DS 2.04)
- Ordinary least squares: bias (DS4DS 2.05)
- Ordinary least squares: covariance (DS4DS 2.06)
- Ordinary least squares: consistency (DS4DS 2.07)
Week 5:
- Multicollinearity (DS4DS 2.08)
- Ridge regression (DS4DS 2.09)
- Weighted least squares: motivation & solution (DS4DS 2.10)
- Weighted least squares: example (DS4DS 2.11)
- Recursive least squares: derivation part 1/2 (DS4DS 2.12)
- Recursive least squares: derivation part 2/2 (DS4DS 2.13)
- Recursive least squares: exponential forgetting (DS4DS 2.14)
- Recursive least squares: example (DS4DS 2.15)
Week 6:
- Ordinary Least Squares for Dynamical Systems: Introduction (DS4DS 2.16)
- Ordinary Least Squares for Dynamical Systems: Example (DS4DS 2.17)
- Ordinary Least Squares for Dynamical Systems: Limitations (DS4DS 2.18)
- Singular Value Decomposition: Motivation (DS4DS 2.19)
- Singular Value Decomposition: Interpretation (DS4DS 2.20)
- Eigendecomposition of continuous and discrete-time dynamical systems (DS4DS 2.21)
- Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Concept (DS4DS 2.22)
- Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Efficient computation (DS4DS 2.23)
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
- Optimization-based parameter identification (DS4DS 4.01)
- Impact of the prediction horizon in data-driven modeling (DS4DS 4.02)
- Nonlinear prediction error method identification (DS4DS 4.03)
- Global vs. local optima in nonlinear data-driven modeling (DS4DS 4.04)
- Identification of an unknown initial state (DS4DS 4.05)
- Utilizing constrained optimization for incorporating a priori knowledge (DS4DS 4.06)
Week 11:
- Week 12:
- Week 13:
- Overfitting and the bias-variance tradeoff (DS4DS 6.01)
- Cross validation (DS4DS 6.02)
- Sparsity and the L1 norm (DS4DS 6.03)
- Subdifferentials of non-differentiable functions (DS4DS 6.04)
- The LASSO algorithm for model selection (DS4DS 6.05)
- Sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) (DS4DS 6.06)
- Week 14:
- Optimal control - Introduction (DS4DS 7.01)
- Optimal control in discrete time (DS4DS 7.02)
- Optimal control of linear systems 1 - Dynamics (DS4DS 7.03)
- Optimal control of linear systems 2 - Objective function (DS4DS 7.04)
- Optimal control of linear systems 3 - Example (DS4DS 7.05)
- Linear model predictive control (DS4DS 7.06)
- Data-driven model predictive control using DMD (DS4DS 7.07)
- Differential predictive control: introduction (DS4DS 7.08)
- Differential predictive control: global vs. local optima (DS4DS 7.09)
- An introduction to the Koopman Operator (DS4DS 8.01)
- Koopman operator: Spectral decomposition 1 (DS4DS 8.02)
- Koopman operator: Spectral decomposition 2 (DS4DS 8.03)
- Koopman: Observable functions (DS4DS 8.04)
- Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition 1 - Finite dimensional subspaces (DS4DS 8.05)
- Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition 2 - The EDMD algorithm (DS4DS 8.06)
- Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition 3 - Koopman eigenfunctions (DS4DS 8.07)
- Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition 4 - Koopman modes & Summary (DS4DS 8.08)
- Dynamic Mode Decomposition as a special case of EDMD (DS4DS 8.09)
- kernel EDMD 1 - Motivation & kernel trick (DS4DS 8.10)
- kernel EDMD 2 - Main algorithm (DS4DS 8.11)
- kernel EDMD 3 - Koopman eigenfunctions and modes (DS4DS 8.12)
- The Koopman Generator (DS4DS 8.13)
- Extended DMD for the Koopman Generator (DS4DS 8.14)
Data science and machine learning:
Dynamical systems and system identification:
- G. Nocedal and S. J. Wright. "Numerical Optimization." (DOI)
- The book by Nelles also has an extensive introduction to optimization.