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Releases: DIPlib/diplib

DIPlib release 3.5.1

05 Jul 20:41
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This is mostly a bug fix release.

See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib release 3.5.0

18 Jun 05:49
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib version 3.4.3

21 Mar 15:41
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

This release mostly fixes the deployment procedure, the Python packages from the previous release didn't work for everyone.

DIPlib version 3.4.2

17 Mar 17:50
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib version 3.4.1

13 Oct 22:08
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib version 3.4.0

08 Dec 15:30
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib version 3.3.0

21 May 21:14
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPlib version 3.2.0

08 Feb 23:17
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See the announcement, including change log and specific instructions.

DIPimage installation for Windows

Install DIPimage by downloading the file below and unpack it on your computer in a location suitable for you. Start MATLAB and enter the following commands, replace <DIPROOT> with the path where you unpacked the file:

>> addpath('<DIPROOT>\share\DIPimage');
>> setenv('PATH',['<DIPROOT>\bin',';',getenv('PATH')]);
>> dipimage

This version of DIPimage will run on MATLAB R2018b and higher and has been tested on Windows 10.

Note: The first time readim is used you might get following warning:

Warning: Bio-Formats is not installed

You can ignore this warning. If you need to read an image file that can only be read through Bio-Formats, type help readim and follow the instructions there on how to install Bio-Formats.

To use DIPimage on an older version of MATLAB, or on a different platform, please wait for the next micro-release or build DIPimage yourself with the instructions found in

DIPlib version 3.1.0

24 Sep 15:02
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DIPlib version 3.0.0

22 Feb 16:51
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