The code of this project is cleaning
Before running this code:
Step1: download cmake
Step2: download source code of Qhull, compile it using cmake and install it:http://www.qhull.org/download/
Step3: modify the paths in CMakeLists.txt if your path of Qhull is different from us
Installing Qhull with CMake 2.6 or later
See CMakeLists.txt for examples and further build instructions
To build Qhull, static libraries, shared library, and C++ interface
- git clone https://github.com/qhull/qhull.git
- cd qhull/build
- cmake --help # List build generators
- cmake -G "" ..
- cmake --build .
- sudo cmake --build . --target install
The ".." is important. It refers to the parent directory (i.e., qhull/)
On Windows, CMake installs to C:/Program Files/qhull. 64-bit generators have a "Win64" tag. Qhull's data structures are substantial larger as 64-bit code than as 32-bit code. This may slow down Qhull.
If creating a qhull package, please include a pkg-config file based on build/qhull*.pc.in
If cmake fails with "No CMAKE_C_COMPILER could be found"
- cmake was not able to find the build environment specified by -G "..."
- git clone --recursive https://github.com/oxfordcontrol/osqp
- cd osqp
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .. #
- cmake --build .
- sudo cmake --build . --target install
the source code for the bounded size top-k query (ORD, ORU) problem.
to run:
-w 10 -k 10 -d 6 -m 90 -f ./pdt/HOUSE6D.dat -mt CS5 -W ./user/user6d200k.txt -n 2000000 -i ./idx/idx4.txt