SelfTF is a auto-tuning Machine Learning Framework base on TensorFlow
- SelfTF Client, provide a cmd interface for user to submit their machine learning job
- SelfTF Agent, a daemon process to control the user programs within a single machine
- SelfTF Monitor, a daemon process to coordinate the SelfTF Agent in different machines. All tuning process is done by this daemon
- selftf/
- Main program of SelfTF Monitor
- selftf/
- Main program of SelfTF agent
- selftf/
- Main program of SelfTF client
- selftf/lib/
- All source code related to tuning process
- Predict remaining runtime
- def bo_fun
- BO
- class GPTrainingModel
- Predict remaining runtime
- All source code related to tuning process
Cluster Name | Master node hostname | slaves node hostname |
ssd | ssd02 | ssd07-ssd42 |
b1g1 | b1g1 | b1g1-b1g36 |
b1b37 | b1g37 | b1g37-b1g72 |
- ssh to master node (e.g ssd02)
- open a tmux
- run command "sh /root/pstuner/bin/"
- You may change the content in "/root/pstuner/bin/" to change differnet configuration.
- ssh to master node (e.g ssd02)
- open a tmux
- change content /root/pstuner/selftf/ to schedule the ML Job
- run command "/root/pstuner/bin/"
- /root/pstuner/monitor.out
- SelfTF monitor main
- /root/pstuner/log/......
- /root/pstuner/agent.out
- ssh to ssh02
cd /root/pstimer
3a. To start PSTuner in ssd03 ssd04 ssd05 only, execute ln -sfn /root/pstuner/slaves_3 /root/pstuner/slaves
3b. To start PSTuner in ssd03-ssd42, execute ln -sfn /root/pstuner/slaves_all /root/pstuner/slaves
- ssh to ssh02
- execute
- execute
sh /root/pstuner/bin/
, it will keep on output log - Open another windows in tmux
- execute
sh /root/pstuner/bin/
- In the windows of, you can see some log like DEBUG:Monitor:Receive msg from ssd05_2222 type: RegisterAgent
- copy your TF program and data to each machine (ssd03 - ssd42) with same path
- In ssd02, execute
python --action submit_job --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python {tf program path}
e.g. python /root/pstuner/ --action submit_job --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python /root/pstuner/ A job id is printed on the console - In the windows of, you can see INFO:queue:Send message from 'monitor' to 'ssd05_2222' type: StartProcess
cd /root/pstimer
- With the job id that you got when u submitted the TF job, check the
folder in ssd02
- CSV files is created after the ML job done
- Please take a look
in the source code root - A class, TFProgramUtil, is implemented (still in development), it provide API to get TF configuration. For exampling, getting ConfigProto in method get_tf_config_proto() to change configurations inter_op_parallelism_threads and intra_op_parallelism_threads
- Sometimes, TF Parameter Server can not be killed.
PSTuner is master-slave arch
- ssh to ssh02
cd /root/pstimer
3a. To start PSTuner in ssd03 ssd04 ssd05 only, execute ln -sfn /root/pstuner/slaves_3 /root/pstuner/slaves
3b. To start PSTuner in ssd03-ssd42, execute ln -sfn /root/pstuner/slaves_all /root/pstuner/slaves
- ssh to ssh02
- execute
- execute
sh /root/pstuner/bin/
, it will keep on output log - Open another windows in tmux
- execute
sh /root/pstuner/bin/
- In the windows of, you can see some log like DEBUG:Monitor:Receive msg from ssd05_2222 type: RegisterAgent
- copy your TF program and data to each machine (ssd03 - ssd42) with same path
- In ssd02, execute
python --action submit_job --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python {tf program path}
e.g. python /root/pstuner/ --action submit_job --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python /root/pstuner/ A job id is printed on the console - In the windows of, you can see INFO:queue:Send message from 'monitor' to 'ssd05_2222' type: StartProcess
cd /root/pstimer
- With the job id that you got when u submitted the TF job, execute command
python /root/pstuner/ --action get_job {job_id_u_want}
- A CSV file will be created in /root/pstuner
- Please take a look
in the source code root - A class, TFProgramUtil, is implemented (still in development), it provide API to get TF configuration. For exampling, getting ConfigProto in method get_tf_config_proto() to change configurations inter_op_parallelism_threads and intra_op_parallelism_threads
- Sometimes, TF Parameter Server can not be killed.
- vi /root/pstuner/
- search "func_idx=0" and you cna see a line "def init(self, tf_config_util, epsilon=0.5, func_idx=0):"
- if func_idx = 0 .... use old method
- if func_idx = 1 .... use bo method SVM
export KEY_ESTIMATION_FUNC="bo";export ONLINE_NUM_ITER_PER_OS=500;export ONLINE_OS_SIZE=100;export OS_SIZE=20;export NUM_ITER_PER_OS=60;cd /root/pstuner && sh bin/ && sh bin/ && sleep 2 && bin/ && sh bin/ && sleep 2 && python --action submit_job --ml_model SVM --batch_size 2000 --learning_rate 0.001 --target_loss 0.07 --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python /root/pstuner/ --ML_model=SVM --num_Features=3231961
export KEY_ESTIMATION_FUNC="bo";export ONLINE_NUM_ITER_PER_OS=500;export ONLINE_OS_SIZE=100;export OS_SIZE=20;export NUM_ITER_PER_OS=60;cd /root/pstuner && sh bin/ && sh bin/ && sleep 2 && bin/ && sh bin/ && sleep 2 && python --action submit_job --ml_model CNN --batch_size 100 --learning_rate 0.0001 --target_loss 0.5 --script /root/anaconda2/bin/python /root/pstuner/
Useful script: Sync
cat slaves | xargs -i -P72 rsync -avz /root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ {}:/root/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/
bazel build --config=opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/tensorflow_pkg
ssh ssd02 cat /root/pstuner/monitor.out | grep "Collected iteration statistic" |sed -n 's/.*loss:\(.*\)/\1/p' | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin" using 0:1 with lines'
ssh ssd36 cat pstuner/agent.out | grep last_cost: | tail -n +2 | sed -n 's/.*last_cost:\([0-9].[0-9]*\).*/\1/p' | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin" using 0:1 with lines'
ssh b1g1 cat /root/ex_result/baseline/cnn/CNN_34_14_Adam_0.0001_200_122_process.csv |awk -F',' '{print $4}' | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin" using 0:1 with lines'
ssh ssd02 cat pstuner/monitor.out | grep "Best training conf"
ssh ssd02 cat pstuner/monitor.out | grep "We got a new config"
Source code reading for TensorFlow