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A Osu API v2 Wrapper for Java

📎 My Objective

With this improvised "API", I intend to use it in my projects. I would not release it in open source. I decided to leave the source code released because I had trouble finding a Java Wrapper that worked correctly. I hope you enjoy the basic functions of this API

Sorry my english :3

📀 Dependencies

The dependencies are inside build.gradle

📰 Add your dependencies!

  • Gradle
repositories {
     maven { url '' }

dependencies {
     implementation 'com.github.Cristian-Sknz:OusuAPI-v2:VERSION'
  • Maven


👨‍🏫 Simple Use

I recommend that you read the official Documentation to know the limits of the API and among other things

API Reference

*️⃣ Create a Token


You MUST provide OAuth information to create a Token
OsuAPI api = new OsuAPI(new OAuthApplication(0001, "CLIENT_SECRET", "REDIRECT_URI"));
APIRequest<Token> request = api.createToken("OAUTH_CODE");
Token token = request.get();

*️⃣ Resume Token


To resume a session, you do not need to use OAuth information
OsuAPI api = new OsuAPI(null/*or new OAuthApplication(0001, "CLIENT_SECRET", "REDIRECT_URI") */);
APIRequest<Token> request = api.resumeToken("Bearer_Token");
Token token = request.get();

🔗 Using Token


Token token = request.get();
Endpoint endpoint = token.getEndpoint();
APIRequest<User> request = endpoint.getUser(10906977, GameMode.Osu);
User user = request.get();

This project is not complete, I intend to update whenever I can. Thanks for reading me :D