Parser for Twitch IRC messages.
git clone
cd twitch-irc-parser
from twitch_irc_parser import TwitchIRC
raw = "type: pubmsg, source: crippledbyte!, target: #testchannel, arguments: ['Kappa this is a test FeelsDankMan TeaTime'], tags: [{'key': 'badge-info', 'value': None}, {'key': 'badges', 'value': 'broadcaster/1,twitchconEU2022/1'}, {'key': 'color', 'value': '#3FB5BA'}, {'key': 'display-name', 'value': 'CrippledByte'}, {'key': 'emotes', 'value': '25:0-4'}, {'key': 'first-msg', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'flags', 'value': None}, {'key': 'id', 'value': 'e35baca3-0653-4502-aa6d-ed25006905ea'}, {'key': 'mod', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'returning-chatter', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'room-id', 'value': '123456789'}, {'key': 'subscriber', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'tmi-sent-ts', 'value': '1674656103223'}, {'key': 'turbo', 'value': '0'}, {'key': 'user-id', 'value': '53862903'}, {'key': 'user-type', 'value': None}]"
message = TwitchIRC.Message(raw)
if message.is_parsed:
print('User: @' + message.user['display_name'])
print('Channel: #' +['name'])
print('Text: ' + message.text)
print('Timestamp: ' + message.timestamp)
which outputs:
User: @CrippledByte
Channel: #testchannel
Text: Kappa this is a test FeelsDankMan TeaTime
Timestamp: 2023-01-25T15:15:03.223000
It's possible to define emotes and bots (see
message = TwitchIRC.Message(raw, emotes=EMOTES, bots=BOTS)
- Unavailable values are
key | type | examples | description |
"raw" |
string | "type: pubmsg, source: ..." |
Input IRC message. |
"is_parsed" |
boolean | True |
Message was parsed successfully. |
"id" |
string | "e35baca3-0653-4502-aa6d-ed25006905ea" |
Message identifier in GUID format. |
"channel" |
dict | Channel dict | Contains information about the channel that the message was sent in. |
"user" |
dict | User dict | Contains information about the user that sent the message. |
"text" |
string | 👋 hello! FeelsDankMan TeaTime | Message text including emote text. |
"timestamp" |
string | "2023-01-25T15:15:03.223000" |
Message sent timestamp in ISO 8601 format. |
"text_color" |
string | None , "#3FB5BA" |
Color of the message text (same as user color if '/me' action was used). |
"badges" |
OrderedDict | {"vip": "1", "subscriber": "3012", "sub-gift-leader": "1"} |
Badges of user that are visible in message. |
"emotes" |
list | list of Emotes dict | Emotes used in message. |
"tmi_sent_ts" |
int | 1674656103223 |
Message sent Unix timestamp with milliseconds. |
key | type | examples | description |
"id" |
int | 123456789 |
Channel id. |
"name" |
string | "testchannel" |
Channel name (lowercase, room id without # prefix). |
key | type | examples | description |
"id" |
int | 53862903 |
User id. |
"type" |
string | Unknown. | |
"name" |
string | "crippledbyte" |
User name (lower case). |
"display_name" |
string | "CrippledByte" |
User name with capitalization. |
"color" |
string | "#3FB5BA" |
Color of user name. |
"subscription_time_months" |
int | 25 |
Number of months the user has been subscribed to this channel. |
"is_bot" |
boolean | User is pre-defined bot. | |
"is_moderator" |
boolean | User is moderator in this channel. | |
"is_vip" |
boolean | User is vip in this channel. | |
"is_partner" |
boolean | User is Twitch partner. | |
"is_broadcaster" |
boolean | User is broadcaster in this channel. | |
"is_subscribed" |
boolean | The user is currenly subscribed to the channel. | |
"is_first_message_in_channel" |
boolean | First message in this channel by user. | |
"has_twitch_turbo" |
boolean | User has Twitch Turbo. |
key | type | examples | description |
"id" |
int | "25" , "emotesv2_9df75c0cd2204b6c9f4d079c066e6245" |
Twitch emote id (optional). |
"code" |
string | "Kappa" , "popCat" |
Text of emote. |
"provider" |
string | "twitch" , "7tv" , "bttv" , "ffz" |
Emote provider. |
"range" |
list | [0, 4] , [21, 32] |
[start, end] of emote code position in message text. |
"urls" |
list | Url dict | List of image urls and sizes. |
"zero_width" |
boolean | Emote is a zero width emote. |
key | type | examples | description |
"id" |
int | "1x" , "2x" , "3x" , "4x" , |
Size of emote the url points to. Not all sizes are always available. |
"code" |
string | "" , "" |
Url of emote image. |
git clone
cd twitch-irc-parser
python3 -m unittest