All the codes are stored in the code folder as Jupyter notebooks, which can be run directly by opening in Google Colab.
- [optional] Courtesy Note 1: If you want to check the replicability of our queried data directly from the source or update the data to a new time range, you must get an end-points URL from a node provider such as QuickNode.
- [optional] Courtesy Note 2: If you want to check the replicability of exporting our figures produced visa plotAPI in PDF and PNG formats, you must get a business license from PlotAPI.
- [optional] Courtesy Note 3: If you want to check the replicability of importing large data files into the Google Colab, you must run the code under the runtime type: High-RAM in Google Colab.
All the queried and processed data are stored in the data folder and you can find the data description file in the Readme.