Pithy project description
- Product Owner: Tim Scheys
- Scrum Master: Edgar Pabon
- Development Team Members: Bowen Yang, Tommy Sander
Some usage instructions
#Greetings from Bowen and Tim
##Start up server
- Open a terminal window
- npm install
- bower install
- Run 'mongod' (start mongo db on your system)
- Run 'grunt' in a new tab (run nodemon on server/bin/www)
- Run 'grunt import' in a new tab (import test.csv, fulldata.csv into mongodb)
- Run 'grunt summarize' (makes summary tables)
(6 and 7 should only be needed once)
##If nodemon crashes your app
- Cry
- Call mom
- Run 'grunt'
- Node 0.10.x
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
View the project roadmap: https://github.com/CrimeVisualizer/USCrimeVisualizer/issues
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.