Standards for the ActivityFeeds released by CommunityXYZ.
These activities are shown on every Community dashboard and on the user profiles page on CommunityXYZ.
Viewblock has started to use the same standards to show the different actions going on under wallet transactions.
are simple tags that are added to a transaction, or SmartWeave actions. It's extremely simple to implement. It helps keep a clean and with all the required details in a single transaction.
SmartWeaveJS started allowing tags since version 0.4.23, if you will be using SmartWeave, make sure to at least have this version before trying to use the tags.
- Service - (PascalCase) Your project name to identify the service.
- Community-ID - The Contract ID of your Community, can easily be found on your dashboard.
- Action - (camelCase) Action name, usually a verb. Should be brief, as accurate as possible.
- Message - Message explaining what the action is doing, should be brief and as accurate as possible.
- Type - Should always be
"Service": "CommunityXYZ",
"Community-ID": "mzvUgNc8YFk0w5K5H7c8pyT-FC5Y_ba0r7_8766Kx74",
"Action": "transfer",
"Message": "Transfer to $addy of $balance.",
"Type": "ArweaveActivity"
const Arweave from 'arweave';
const arweave = Arweave.init({});
const wallet = '...';
const communityId = 'mzvUgNc8YFk0w5K5H7c8pyT-FC5Y_ba0r7_8766Kx74';
(async () => {
const tx = await arweave.createTransaction({...}, wallet);
tx.addTag('Service', 'Community.XYZ');
tx.addTag('Community-ID', communityId);
tx.addTag('Action', 'createOpportunity');
tx.addTag('Message', 'Created new opportunity');
tx.addTag('Type', 'ArweaveActivity');
await arweave.transactions.sign(tx, wallet);
const { interactWrite } from 'smartweave';
const Arweave from 'arweave';
const arweave = Arweave.init({});
const wallet = '...';
const communityId = 'mzvUgNc8YFk0w5K5H7c8pyT-FC5Y_ba0r7_8766Kx74';
const addy = 'Bpr...';
const balance = 1000;
(async () => {
const input = {
function: 'transfer',
target: addy,
qty: balance
const tags = [
{name: 'Service', value: 'CommunityXYZ'},
{name: 'Community-ID', value: communityId},
{name: 'Action', value: 'transfer'},
{name: 'Message', value: `Transfer to ${addy} of ${balance}.`},
{name: 'Type', value: 'ArweaveActivity'}
await interactWrite(arweave, wallet, communityId, input, tags);
If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to hang out with the community of BUIDLERs, join us on Discord!