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Merge pull request #1004 from CombustionToolbox/turbulence
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Add: include new `+turbulence` subpackage
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AlbertoCuadra authored Nov 22, 2024
2 parents c704334 + 57cac31 commit 3ba4cc8
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Showing 10 changed files with 923 additions and 3 deletions.
38 changes: 37 additions & 1 deletion +combustiontoolbox/+common/@Units/Units.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
import combustiontoolbox.common.Units

% Get the conversion factor property name
conversion_factor_name = [unit_in,'2',unit_out];
conversion_factor_name = [unit_in, '2', unit_out];

% Check conversion factor exist
assert(isprop(Units, conversion_factor_name), 'Conversion from %s to %s is not defined.', unit_in, unit_out);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,42 @@
moles = weightPercentage ./ W;

function velocity = convertData2VelocityField(data)
% Convert the input to a VelocityField object
% Args:
% data: Either a VelocityField object, a struct, or a 4D matrix
% Returns:
% velocity (VelocityField): VelocityField object

% Import packages
import combustiontoolbox.turbulence.VelocityField

if isa(data, 'VelocityField')
% Input is already a VelocityField object
velocity = data;

if isstruct(data) && all(isfield(data, {'u', 'v', 'w'}))
% Input is a struct; convert to VelocityField
velocity = VelocityField(data.u, data.v, data.w);

if ndims(data) == 4 && size(data, 4) == 3
% Input is a 4D matrix; convert to VelocityField
velocity = VelocityField(data(:, :, :, 1), ...
data(:, :, :, 2), ...
data(:, :, :, 3));

% Unsupported format
error('Unsupported velocity input format. Expected a VelocityField object, a struct, or a 4D matrix.');


341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions +combustiontoolbox/+turbulence/@HelmholtzSolver/HelmholtzSolver.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
classdef HelmholtzSolver < handle
% The :mat:func:`HelmholtzSolver` class computes the Helmholtz-Hodge
% decomposition of a 3D velocity field into its solenoidal and
% dilatational parts using fast Fourier transform [1].
% The decomposition is performed with the spectral method, which is
% only suitable for relatively smooth fields, i.e., with little power
% on small scales. The code assumes that the grid is uniform with
% dx = dy = dz.
% This code is based on Ref. [2] and has been rewritten in MATLAB
% with some modifications.
% Notes:
% For even NX, NY, and NZ, decomposed fields can be complex,
% with the imaginary part coming from the real part of the kmode
% at Nyquist frequency. In principle, the Nyquist frequency
% kmode should be dropped when doing the first derivatives to
% maintain symmetry. See footnote on page 4 of [2]. However,
% when the field is smooth enough, the imaginary part caused by
% the Nyquist frequency kmode should be negligible.
% Args:
% file_location (char): Path to the data .hdf file
% file_location_nodes (char): Path to the grid .hdf file
% T_ref (float): Temperature of reference [K]
% mu_ref (float): Dynamic viscosity of reference [kg/(m-s)] or [Pa-s]
% Example:
% solver = HelmholtzSolver();
% References:
% [1] Johnson, S. G. (2011). Notes on FFT-based differentiation.
% MIT Applied Mathematics, Tech. Rep.
% Available:
% [2] Xun Shi, Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition using fft (Python),
% Available:
% @author: Alberto Cuadra Lara
% Postdoctoral researcher - Group Fluid Mechanics
% Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

tol0 = 1e-3 % Tolerance for checks
FLAG_CHECKS = true % Flag to perform checks
FLAG_TIME = true % Flag to print elapsed time
FLAG_REPORT = false % Flag to print predefined plots
time % Elapsed time
plotConfig % PlotConfig object


function obj = HelmholtzSolver(varargin)
% Constructor
defaultPlotConfig = combustiontoolbox.utils.display.PlotConfig();

% Parse input arguments
p = inputParser;
addParameter(p, 'tol0', obj.tol0, @(x) isnumeric(x));
addParameter(p, 'FLAG_CHECKS', obj.FLAG_CHECKS, @(x) islogical(x));
addParameter(p, 'FLAG_TIME', obj.FLAG_TIME, @(x) islogical(x));
addParameter(p, 'FLAG_REPORT', obj.FLAG_REPORT, @(x) islogical(x));
addParameter(p, 'plotConfig', defaultPlotConfig, @(x) isa(x, 'combustiontoolbox.utils.display.PlotConfig'));
parse(p, varargin{:});

% Set properties
obj.tol0 = p.Results.tol0;
obj.FLAG_TIME = p.Results.FLAG_TIME;
obj.plotConfig = p.Results.plotConfig;

function obj = set(obj, property, value, varargin)
% Set properties of the HelmholtzSolver object
% Args:
% obj (HelmholtzSolver): HelmholtzSolver object
% property (char): Property name
% value (float): Property value
% Optional Args:
% * property (char): Property name
% * value (float): Property value
% Returns:
% obj (HelmholtzSolver): HelmholtzSolver object with updated properties
% Examples:
% * set(HelmholtzSolver(), 'tol0', 1e-10)
% * set(HelmholtzSolver(), 'tol0', 1e-10, 'FLAG_CHECKS', false)

varargin = [{property, value}, varargin{:}];

for i = 1:2:length(varargin)
% Assert that the property exists
assert(isprop(obj, varargin{i}), 'Property not found');

% Set property
obj.(varargin{i}) = varargin{i + 1};


function [solenoidal, dilatational, STOP] = solve(obj, velocity, varargin)
% Compute Helmholtz decomposition of the velocity field
% Args:
% obj (HelmholtzSolver): HelmholtzSolver object
% velocity (VelocityField): Velocity field as a VelocityField object, struct, or 4D matrix
% Optional Args:
% * rho (float): Density field
% Returns:
% solenoidal (VelocityField): Struct with fields (u, v, w) containing the solenoidal velocity components
% dilatational (VelocityField): Struct with fields (u, v, w) containing the dilatational velocity components
% STOP (float): Relative error doing the decomposition
% Examples:
% * [solenoidal, dilatational, STOP] = solve(obj, velocity)
% * [solenoidal, dilatational, STOP] = solve(obj, velocity, 'rho', rho)

% Import packages
import combustiontoolbox.common.Units.convertData2VelocityField

% Timer
obj.time = tic;

% Parse input arguments
p = inputParser;
addOptional(p, 'rho', [], @(x) isnumeric(x));
parse(p, varargin{:});

% Set properties
rho = p.Results.rho;

% Reshape velocity input and compute fluctuations
velocity = convertData2VelocityField(velocity);
velocity = obj.computeFluctuations(velocity, rho);

% Solve the Helmholtz equation
[solenoidal, dilatational] = obj.decomposition(velocity);

% Check results
STOP = obj.check(velocity, solenoidal, dilatational);

% Time elapsed
obj.time = toc(obj.time);

% Print elapsed time

function [solenoidal, dilatational] = decomposition(obj, velocity)
% Compute Helmholtz decomposition of the velocity field
% Args:
% velocity (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the velocity components
% Returns:
% solenoidal (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the solenoidal velocity components
% dilatational (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the dilatational velocity components

% Import packages
import combustiontoolbox.turbulence.VelocityField

% Get N-D fast Fourier transform (fft)
U = fftn(velocity.u);
V = fftn(velocity.v);
W = fftn(velocity.w);

% Compute wave numbers
[KX, KY, KZ] = obj.computeWaveNumbers(size(velocity.u));

% Compute k^2, avoiding division by zero
K2 = KX.^2 + KY.^2 + KZ.^2;
K2(K2 == 0) = 1;

% Compute velocity divergence
div = (U .* KX + V .* KY + W .* KZ);
clear U V W % Free memory

% Compute the Helmholtz decomposition (dilatational)
H = div ./ K2;
clear div K2 % Free memory

% Compute dilatational components
dilatational = VelocityField(real(ifftn(H .* KX)), ...
real(ifftn(H .* KY)), ...
real(ifftn(H .* KZ)));
clear H KX KY KZ; % Free memory

% Compute solenoidal components
solenoidal = VelocityField(velocity.u - dilatational.u, ...
velocity.v - dilatational.v, ...
velocity.w - dilatational.w);

function [STOP, status] = check(obj, velocity, solenoidal, dilatational)
% Check the results of the Helmholtz decomposition
% Args:
% obj (HelmholtzSolver): HelmholtzSolver object
% velocity (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the velocity components
% solenoidal (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the solenoidal velocity components
% dilatational (VelocityField): VelocityField instance with fields (u, v, w) containing the dilatational velocity components
% Returns:
% STOP (float): Relative error doing the decomposition
% status (bool): Flag indicating if the checks passed

status = [];
STOP = [];

% Validate Helmholtz decomposition results
fprintf('Performing checks... ');

% Compute wave numbers
[KX, KY, KZ] = obj.computeWaveNumbers(size(velocity.u));

% Compute magnitude of the original velocity field for relative error
velocityMagnitude = globalMagnitude(velocity);

% Check if the solenoidal part is divergence-free
divSolenoidal = ifftn((fftn(solenoidal.u) .* KX + ...
fftn(solenoidal.v) .* KY + ...
fftn(solenoidal.w) .* KZ));

divError = max(abs(divSolenoidal(:))) / velocityMagnitude;

if divError > obj.tol0
fprintf('Error!\nSolenoidal part divergence too high: %.2e\n', divError);
STOP = divError;

% Check if the dilatational part is curl-free
curlDilatational = ifftn((fftn(dilatational.w) .* KY - fftn(dilatational.v) .* KZ + ...
fftn(dilatational.u) .* KZ - fftn(dilatational.w) .* KX + ...
fftn(dilatational.v) .* KX - fftn(dilatational.u) .* KY) * 1i * 2 * pi);

curlError = max(abs(curlDilatational(:))) / velocityMagnitude;

if curlError > obj.tol0
fprintf('Error!\nDilatational part curl too high: %.2e\n', curlError);
STOP = curlError;

% Check if the solenoidal and dilatational parts sum up to the original field
uRecon = solenoidal.u + dilatational.u;
vRecon = solenoidal.v + dilatational.v;
wRecon = solenoidal.w + dilatational.w;

diffError = sqrt(sum((uRecon(:) - velocity.u(:)).^2 + ...
(vRecon(:) - velocity.v(:)).^2 + ...
(wRecon(:) - velocity.w(:)).^2)) / velocityMagnitude;

if diffError > obj.tol0
fprintf('Error!\nReconstructed field does not match original field: %.2e\n', diffMax);
STOP = diffMax;

% Set flag to pass and stop
STOP = max([divError, curlError, diffError]);
status = true;

function printTime(obj)
% Print execution time
% Args:
% obj (EquilibriumSolver): Object of the class EquilibriumSolver

if ~obj.FLAG_TIME

% Definitions
operationName = 'Helmholtz decomposition';

% Print elapsed time
fprintf('\nElapsed time for %s: %.5f seconds\n', operationName, obj.time);


methods (Static)

function velocity = computeFluctuations(velocity, rho)
% Compute fluctuating velocity components
% Args:
% velocity (struct): Struct with fields (u, v, w)
% rho (float): Density field
% Returns:
% velocity (struct): Struct with fields (u, v, w) containing the fluctuating velocity components

% For compressible flows
if ~isempty(rho)
rhoMean = mean(rho, 'all');
rhou = mean(rho .* velocity.u, 'all') / rhoMean;
rhov = mean(rho .* velocity.v, 'all') / rhoMean;
rhow = mean(rho .* velocity.w, 'all') / rhoMean;

velocity.u = sqrt(rho) .* (velocity.u - rhou);
velocity.v = sqrt(rho) .* (velocity.v - rhov);
velocity.w = sqrt(rho) .* (velocity.w - rhow);

% For incompressible flows
velocity.u = velocity.u - mean(velocity.u, 'all');
velocity.v = velocity.v - mean(velocity.v, 'all');
velocity.w = velocity.w - mean(velocity.w, 'all');

function [KX, KY, KZ] = computeWaveNumbers(sz)
% Compute wave number grids for FFT

% Import packages
import combustiontoolbox.utils.math.fftfreq

kx = fftfreq(sz(1));
ky = fftfreq(sz(2));
kz = fftfreq(sz(3));
[KX, KY, KZ] = ndgrid(kx, ky, kz);



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