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Clayton Siby edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the helm_api_assessment wiki!

Project Specifications:

  • Create a CRUD API served on a web server. This web server should be written in either Python (with Django and DRF) or Elixir (with Phoenix).
  • Choose a topic of your own, but it should allow you to demonstrate all possible CRUD capabilities typically found on a web server serving CRUD APIs.
  • You should be able to demonstrate and explain how this updates a persistent store, like PostgreSQL or SQLite.

Bonus Points:

  • Use OpenAPI V3 to define and describe your API specification.
  • Create an HTML, javascript-driven front-end to interact with your CRUD APIs.
  • Dockerize your solution.
  • Make use of Docker-compose and docker networks where necessary.
  • Version-control your code using git into a GitHub/Gitlab repository.
  • Add appropriate testing (and possibly additional framework tools) for your endpoints.
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