This scripts is used to back up Confluence self host server production on a Linux machine. The goal is to zip the entire home directory of confluence and export the MySQL database that connected to the confluence server.
Uses tar command:
BACKUPTIME=`date +%b-%d-%y` #get the current date
HOME_BACKUP=/home/confluence_backup/backup-$BACKUPTIME.tar.gz #create a backup file using the current date in it's name
SOURCEFOLDER=/var/atlassian/application-data #the folder that contains the files that we want to backup
tar -cpzf $HOME_BACKUP $SOURCEFOLDER #create the backup
MySQL code is referece from I am using those functions and only run the function differently. Note mysqldump need input user and its password to perform the dump. Here I harded code the password in the script. You also need to flag the max allowed packet to 512 Mb because the confluence database is quite big
mysqldump -u [user] -p[userpwd] -B ${DB} --add-drop-database --add-drop-table --max_allowed_packet=512M >> ${DBFILE}
Setting up the log file for mysqldump:
FILE_DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'`
mkdir -p $LF_DIR
chmod 777 $LF_DIR
touch $LF
chmod 664 $LF
Instead of dumping all the databases, I only need the one connect to the confluence.
line="[confluence database name]"
echo "Backuping up Database: $line" >>$LF
echo "All backups Completed" >> $LF
To tranfer the file to your back linux machine, use ssh key gen and tranfer using scp
scp $HOME_BACKUP user@remotebackhost:/home/backup
echo "confluence zip sending Done" >>$LF
scp $DBFILE.gz user@remotebackhost:/home/backup
echo "Database backup sending Done">>$LF
Use crontab -e to open up crontab script and run it every Saturday at 8 pm
0 20 * * 6 /home/