Tenshi is a Discord Bot written by me (Rico Z) in JavaScript using the Discord.JS module (https://discord.js.org/)
🥳 THANKS FOR 70.000 USERS! 🥳
You can invite Tenshi to your own server via: https://itsri.co/tenshibot/
Tenshi is hosted 24/7 (always online!) on one of my servers.
Here are some stats of my server:
- Located in: New York City, United States
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- CPU1: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1650 v4
- CPU2: Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1650 v3
- Internetspeed: 1000 Mb/s (1GB/s)
Category | Command | Description |
Core | ?ban | Ban someone from the current server if you have the permission to do so. |
Core | ?kick | Kick someone from the current server if you have the permission to do so. |
Core | ?botinfo | Provides various info about the bot such as total members and an invite link. |
Core | ?help | Direct messages you all commands the bot can do. |
--- | --- | --- |
Music | ?play | Play the song you link from YouTube, SoundCloud or Spotify. |
Music | ?stop | Stops playing music. |
Music | ?pause | Pauses the playing music, so it can be resumed later. |
Music | ?resume | If the current music is paused it will resume it. |
Music | ?nowplaying | Shows you which song is currently playing. |
Music | ?loop | Puts the current song on repeat until you use ?loop again. |
Music | ?shuffle | Shuffles the current queue. |
Music | ?search | Search for a video on YouTube. |
Music | ?volume | Changes the volume between 1 - 100 %. |
Music | ?filter | Add a filter on the music. (such as 8D, bassboost & more!) |
Music | ?queue | Shows you all the songs in the queue. |
Music | ?cq | Clears the entire queue. |
Music | ?skip | Skips the current song to the next one in queue. |
--- | --- | --- |
Fun | ?day | Tells you what day it is today. mufasaPls |
Fun | ?8ball | Ask 8ball a question, and you shall receive an answer. |
Fun | ?baka | Tell someone they're being an idiot. |
Fun | ?bunny | Sends you a random bunny image. |
Fun | ?cat | Sends you a random cat image. |
Fun | ?dog | Sends you a random dog image. |
Fun | ?cuddle | Cuddle someone. |
Fun | ?feed | Feed someone. |
Fun | ?gif | Search for a gif with your input. |
Fun | ?goose | Sends you a random goose image. |
Fun | ?hug | Hug someone. |
Fun | ?kiss | Kiss someone. |
Fun | ?lizard | Sends you a random lizard image. |
Fun | ?meme | Sends you a random meme from /r/Memes. |
Fun | ?pat | Pat someone their head. |
Fun | ?poke | Poke someone. |
Fun | ?slap | Slap someone. |
Fun | ?day | Tells you what day it is, with a surprise on everyones favorite day. |
--- | --- | --- |
Misc | ?avatar | Returns the URL of someones avatar. |
Misc | ?ping | Returns the bot its ping to the Discord servers. |
Misc | ?purge | Delete between 2 - 100 images. |
Misc | ?serverinfo | Shows you information about the current Discord server. |
Misc | ?uptime | Shows you how long Tenshi has been online. |
Misc | ?userinfo | Shows you information abou tthe user you put in. |
--- | --- | --- |
Reminder | ?remind | Lets Tenshi remind you in a set time. |