This repository is outdated and was migrated to project-fortis.
This repository contains the services tier of the Fortis architecture, below highlighted in red in the architecture diagram for the entire system.
This repository implements a NodeJS GraphQL server that sits in between the Fortis data-store (Cassandra) and the Fortis frontend (React).
As per the diagram above, there are two pieces necessary to run this repository locally: a Cassandra database and the GraphQL server. You can spin up both of these pieces using Docker via the following command:
git clone
cd project-fortis-services
docker-compose up
The container of the GraphQL server will wait for the Cassandra database to come
live, then set up the database schema, then insert seed data (if a link to a CQL
file is provided via the FORTIS_CASSANDRA_SEED_DATA_URL
environment variable)
and then start the GraphQL server on port 8080.
After the server started, head over to the following URLs to play with the service: