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alevin-fry-atac is a suite of tools for the rapid, accurate and memory-frugal processing single-cell ATAC-Seq data. It consumes RAD files generated by piscem, and performs common operations like generating permit lists, and deduplication. The code is written in Rust and C++.

Getting started

While we provide below individually a list of steps to run alevin-fry-atac to get the deduplicated bed file containing the mapped fragments, we also provide a Snakefile that does these things for you. A simpleaf workflow is currently under preparation, which would make the task even easier.

Software to install

Piscem (dev branch)

  git clone --recursive -b dev
  cd piscem
  git branch ## this should point to dev
  cargo build --release

alevin-fry-atac (dev-atac)

    git clone -b dev-atac
    cd alevin-fry
    git branch ## check it is the dev-atac branch
    cargo build --release


If you want to skip running each step individually, the instructions to download Snakemake are available on their website. Personally, I prefer mamba. Note that you have to install the softwares above irrespective since you will be required to provide the above path in config.yml for snakemake.

Enumerating each step

Building the index

Note Since the build process makes use of KMC3 for a k-mer enumeration step, which, in turn, makes use of intermediate files to keep memory usage low, you will likely need to increase the default number of file handles that can be open at once. Before running the build command, you can run ulimit -n 2048 in the terminal where you execute the build command. You can also put this command in any script that you will use to run piscem build, or add it to your shell initalization scripts / profiles so that it is the default for new shells that you start

Index a reference sequence

Usage: piscem build [OPTIONS] --klen <KLEN> --mlen <MLEN> --threads <THREADS> --output <OUTPUT> <--ref-seqs <REF_SEQS>|--ref-lists <REF_LISTS>|--ref-dirs <REF_DIRS>>

  -s, --ref-seqs <REF_SEQS>    ',' separated list of reference FASTA files
  -l, --ref-lists <REF_LISTS>  ',' separated list of files (each listing input FASTA files)
  -d, --ref-dirs <REF_DIRS>    ',' separated list of directories (all FASTA files in each directory will be indexed, but not recursively)
  -k, --klen <KLEN>            length of k-mer to use
  -m, --mlen <MLEN>            length of minimizer to use
  -t, --threads <THREADS>      number of threads to use
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>        output file stem
      --keep-intermediate-dbg  retain the reduced format GFA files produced by cuttlefish that describe the reference cDBG (the default is to remove these)
  -w, --work-dir <WORK_DIR>    working directory where temporary files should be placed [default: .]
      --overwrite              overwite an existing index if the output path is the same
      --no-ec-table            skip the construction of the equivalence class lookup table when building the index
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

The parameters should be reasonably self-expalanatory. The -k parameter is the k-mer size for the underlying colored compacted de Bruijn graph, and the -m parameter is the minimizer size used to build the sshash data structure. The quiet -q flag applies to the sshash indexing step (not yet the CdBG construction step) and will prevent extra output being written to stderr.

Finally, the -r argument takes a list of FASTA format files containing the references to be indexed. Here, if there is more than one reference, they should be provided to -r in the form of a , separated list. For example, if you wish to index ref1.fa, ref2.fa, ref3.fa then your invocation should include -r ref1.fa,ref2.fa,ref3.fa. The references present within all of the FASTA files will be indexed by the build command.

Note You should ensure that the -t parameter is less than the number of physical cores that you have on your system. Specifically, if you are running on an Apple silicon machine, it is highly recommended that you set -t to be less than or equal to the number of high performance cores that you have (rather than the total number of cores including efficiency cores), as using efficiency cores in the piscem build step has been observed to severely degrade performance.

Mapping ATAC-Seq reads

Usage: piscem map-sc-atac [OPTIONS] --index <INDEX> --output <OUTPUT>

  -t, --threads <THREADS>                      number of threads to use [default: 16]
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>                        path to output directory
      --ignore-ambig-hits                      skip checking of the equivalence classes of k-mers that were too ambiguous to be otherwise considered (passing this flag can speed up mapping slightly, but may
                                               reduce specificity)
      --no-poison                              do not consider poison k-mers, even if the underlying index contains them. In this case, the mapping results will be identical to those obtained as if no poison
                                               table was added to the index
  -c, --struct-constraints                     apply structural constraints when performing mapping
      --skipping-strategy <SKIPPING_STRATEGY>  the skipping strategy to use for k-mer collection [default: permissive] [possible values: permissive, strict]
      --sam-format                             output mappings in sam format
      --bed-format                             output mappings in bed format
      --use-chr                                use chromosomes as color
      --thr <THR>                              threshold to be considered for pseudoalignment, default set to 0.7 [default: 0.7]
      --bin-size <BIN_SIZE>                    size of virtual color, default set to 1000 [default: 1000]
      --bin-overlap <BIN_OVERLAP>              size for bin overlap, default set to 300 [default: 300]
      --no-tn5-shift                           do not apply Tn5 shift to mapped positions
      --check-kmer-orphan                      Check if any mapping kmer exist for a mate which is not mapped, but there exists mapping for the other read. If set to true and a mapping kmer exists, then the
                                               pair would not be mapped (default false)
  -h, --help                                   Print help
  -V, --version                                Print version

  -i, --index <INDEX>      input index prefix
  -1, --read1 <READ1>      path to a ',' separated list of read 1 files
  -2, --read2 <READ2>      path to a ',' separated list of read 2 files
  -r, --reads <READS>
  -b, --barcode <BARCODE>  path to a ',' separated list of read 2 files

All the arguments are self explanatory. It outputs the file map.rad in the --output directory.

Barcode correction and sorting

These steps are handled by alevin-fry. It starts by taking in the RAD file containing the mapping information and producing a BED file with the mapped fragments. The executable is alevin_fry_atac under the alevin-fry/target/release directory.

  Usage: alevin_fry_atac <COMMAND>
    generate-permit-list  Generate a permit list of barcodes from a whitelist file
    collate               Collate a RAD file with corrected cell barcode
    sort                  Produce coordinate sorted bed file
    deduplicate           Deduplicate the RAD file and output a BED file
    help                  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Barcode correction
Usage:  alevin_fry_atac generate-permit-list --input <INPUT> --output-dir <OUTPUTDIR> <--unfiltered-pl <UNFILTEREDPL>>
  -i, --input <INPUT>                 input directory containing the map.rad file
  -o, --output-dir <OUTPUTDIR>        output directory
  -u, --unfiltered-pl <UNFILTEREDPL>  uses an unfiltered external permit list
  -m, --min-reads <MINREADS>          minimum read count threshold; only used with --unfiltered-pl [default: 10]
  -r, --rev-comp <REVERSECOMPLEMENT>  reverse complement the barcode [default: true] [possible values: true, false]
  -h, --help                          Print help
  -V, --version                       Print version

unfiltered-pl is the permit list of the barcodes which will be a superset of the barcodes in a sample --rev-comp Whether the reverse complement has to be taken before trying to find a matching between the barcode of a mapped record to that of the barcode in the whitelist file

Usage: alevin_fry_atac sort --input-dir <INPUTDIR> --rad-dir <RADDIR>
  -i, --input-dir <INPUTDIR>      output directory made by generate-permit-list
  -r, --rad-dir <RADDIR>          the directory containing the map.rad file which will be sorted (typically produced as an output of the mapping)
  -t, --threads <THREADS>         number of threads to use for processing [default: 4]
  -c, --compress                  compress the output of the sorted RAD file
  -m, --max-records <MAXRECORDS>  the maximum number of read records to keep in memory at once [default: 30000000]
  -h, --help                      Print help
  -V, --version                   Print version


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