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Greta Franzini edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 6 revisions

Both the client and the standalone version use the same Command-Line Interface (CLI). So, in the instructions below, replace APPLICATION_NAME with either lemlat_client (client version) or lemlat (standalone version) according to the version you are using. In Windows do not use the initial ./.

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to show basic usage information.

Interactive mode


./APPLICATION_NAME [-s 0|1|2|3]

to start LEMLAT 3.0 in interactive mode.

The optional parameter -s allows you to select the lexical basis to use according to the following input values:

     	0 for BASE
     	1 for ONOMASTICON
     	2 for DU CANGE
     	3 for ALL lexical bases [default option]

BASE: lexical basis resulting from the collation of three Latin dictionaries (40,014 lexical entries; 43,432 lemmas):

  • Georges, K.E., and Georges, H. 1913-1918. Ausführliches Lateinisch-Deutsches Handwörterbuch. Hahn, Hannover.
  • Glare, P.G.W. 1982. Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Gradenwitz, O. 1904. Laterculi Vocum Latinarum. Hirzel, Leipzig.

ONOMASTICON: 26,415 lemmas from the Onomasticon of Forcellini, E. 1940. Lexicon Totius Latinitatis. Typis Seminarii, Padova.

DU CANGE: 82,557 lemmas from the Medieval Latin Glossary by Charles du Fresne Du Cange, Bénédictins de Saint-Maur, Pierre Carpentier, Louis Henschel, and Léopold Favre. 1883–1887. Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis. Niort.

For instance, in Windows, type:


If you want to select the ONOMASTICON lexical basis only, type:

lemlat.exe -s 1

You will be iteratively prompted to enter a single word-form to process or a command to modify the behavior of the analyzer. At the first prompt the full list of the available commands is provided:

	\h to show this HELP menu 
	\q to QUIT 
	\B select BASE LES source 
	\O select ONOMASTICON LES source 
	\D select DU CANGE LES source
	\A select ALL LES source 
	\a to output in 'lemresult' FILE 
	\d to output on SCREEN 

You can always recall this list by entering the command \h. To exit LEMLAT 3.0, type end.

Batch Mode

You can process a set of word-forms by entering an input file containing the list of word-forms to analyze. A full text can also be given in input. To process an input file, type:

./APPLICATION_NAME [-s 0|1|2|3] -i input_file_name -o|-c|-x output_file_name 

Just like in the interactive mode, the input parameter -s allows you to select the lexical basis to use.

LEMLAT 3.0 can produce three different output files. To specify your desired format use the following input parameters:

 -o for TXT (plain text) format
 -x for XML format
 -c for CSV format

These three formats provide different information:

  • the TXT file reports exactly the same information displayed in the interactive mode. For each analysis of a processed word-form, it provides:
  • the XML file includes the complete analysis for each word-form organized into explicitly-named elements and attributes;
  • the CSV file assigns to each word-form its lemma and PoS (basic lemmatization). If one word-form is assigned more than one lemma, these are provided on separate lines. The PoS is given by using both the tagset of LEMLAT and the CODLEM (see page 29 of LEMLAT database description). The format of the CSV file is the following:
    • input word-form
    • processed word-form
    • lemma
    • PoS: CODLEM
    • n_id of the lexical entry in the database of LEMLAT
    • gender (for nouns only; * for adjectives)
    • PoS: tagset of LEMLAT

The list of the unknown word-forms is provided in a separate TXT file with the same name of the input file and the extension .unk.


For instance, if you wish to use the ONOMASTICON lexical basis (-s 1) to analyze an input text by Cicero entitled 'cicero.txt' (-i cicero.txt) and output the results in a CSV file entitled 'cicero_lemmatized.txt' (-c cicero_lemmatized.txt), type the following:

lemlat.exe -s 1 -i cicero.txt -c cicero_lemmatized.txt

NB: this example assumes that the input file cicero.txt is placed in the same folder as lemlat.exe. If not, provide the full path to the input file, for example:

lemlat.exe -s 1 -i User/Desktop/cicero.txt -c cicero_lemmatized.txt
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