Kubernetes operator that controls the main API of the Drupal service: the DrupalSite CRD.
For an introduction to the Operator pattern and how we use it, take a look at our presentation at Kubecon EU 2021!
This paper describes the use case served with the drupalsite-operator
Flip through it to get some context!
The Drupal service is designed around the concept of the DrupalSite. The deployment looks like this:
The architecture description explains in more detail.
A DrupalSite
defines all the necessary info for the operator to instantiate a Drupal website, integrated with the CERN environment.
apiVersion: drupal.webservices.cern.ch/v1alpha1
kind: DrupalSite
name: drupalsite-sample
# URL to request in the route.
# Recommended to set `<environmentName>-<projectname>.web.cern.ch`
# or `<projectname>.web.cern.ch` if this is the "live" site
siteUrl: mysite.web.cern.ch
# Generates the image tags. Changing this triggers the upgrade workflow.
name: "v8.9-1"
releaseSpec: <see a sample in config/sample/...>
# Name of the DrupalSite (in the same namespace) to clone from, typically the "live"/production website
cloneFrom: "<myproductionsite>"
# "standard", "critical" or "test"
qosClass: "standard"
databaseClass: "standard"
diskSize: "5Gi"
The operator is packaged with a helm chart. However, we deploy CRDs separately. Both must be deployed for the operator to function. In our infrastructure, we deploy the operator and its CRD with 2 separate ArgoCD Applications.
When deploying the Helm chart, operator configuration is exposed as Helm values. This reference is useful to run the operator locally.
argument | example | description |
sitebuilder-image |
gitlab-registry.cern.ch/drupal/paas/cern-drupal-distribution/site-builder | The sitebuilder source image name |
php-fpm-exporter-image |
gitlab-registry.cern.ch/drupal/paas/php-fpm-prometheus-exporter:RELEASE.2021.06.02T09-41-38Z | The php-fpm-exporter source image name |
velero-namespace |
openshift-cern-drupal | The namespace of the Velero server to create backups |
webdav-image |
gitlab-registry.cern.ch/drupal/paas/sabredav/webdav:RELEASE-2021.10.07T13-46-43Z | The webdav source image name |
parallel-thread-count |
5 | The number of threads used by the main controller of DrupalSite Operator |
The operator configures each website according to its QoS class with configmaps.
It reads the configmaps from /tmp/runtime-config
In order to test locally, we must first copy them:
$ cp -r chart/drupalsite-operator/runtime-config/ /tmp/
This project uses envtest for basic integration tests by running a local control plane. The control plane spun up by envtest
, doesn't have any K8s controllers except for the controller it is testing. The tests for the drupalsite controller are located in controllers/drupalsite_controller_test.go.
To run these tests locally, use make test
Developed with operator-sdk
This project was generated with the operator-sdk
and has been updated to operator-sdk-v1.3