My name is Raphaël Maurice Forment, I am a musician and live-coder from France (Lyon / Paris). I build musical systems for improvisation. I am not a natural born programmer (mostly auto-didact) but I am happy to deep-dive when I need to and I love programming as a craft practice. I am currently doing my PhD at the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne. My work is centered around live coding practices. I play concerts, I give workshops, I try to articulate programming with my artistic practice as much as possible.
- 🔭 I have worked on Sardine and Topos, two live coding environments. Now on maintenance mode only until my PhD is done.
- 📫 How to reach me: GitHub Issues or e-mail (easy to find)
Sardine: live-coding with Python 3.11.
- Sardine Web: A TypeScipt based editor for Sardine!
- Sardine VSCode: the companion plugin for VSCode.
- Flok: Sardine integration for collaborative networked jamming!
Topos: prototype for a Monome Teletype inspired live coding environment.
BuboQuark: my SuperCollider-based live coding setup.
Monocosm: abandoned prototype for a 2D TS-based live coding environment.
Sliderwolf: a fun MIDI Controller.
BuboQuark: my SuperCollider live coding setup.
Sardine Sounds: a sound library for Sardine.
Sonic Pipe: a weird/abandoned TUI interface to Sonic Pi.