Dotnet tool for acquiring/releasing locks in a DynamoDB table.
dotnet dynamodb-lock acquire --config <configFile> --label <label> --output <tokenFile>
The label is used to provide context to others trying to acquire the lock
> dotnet dynamodb-lock acquire --config lock.config --label 'Build 123' --output token.txt
Locked by 'Build 122' at 8:50:43 PM. Expires at 9:20:43 PM.
dotnet dynamodb-lock release --config <configFile> --token <tokenFile>
The token file is the output of the acquire command.
> dotnet dynamodb-lock release --config lock.config --token token.txt
Lock released.
"tableName": "locks",
"lockKey": "build",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/build",
tableName: The DynamoDB table name
lockKey: The unique key for the lock
awsRegion: The aws region of the table
roleArn: The arn of the role to assume
acquireTimeout: How long to wait to acquire the lock before timing out
lockDuration: How long the lock is valid for
retryAfter: How long to wait inbetween retries to acquire the lock
Simple Primary Key:
key : string
Time To Live:
expires : numeric
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:DeleteItem