Built with next.js, Nyxb UI, deployed on Vercel.
- Built using Next.js 14, React, Typescript, Nyxb UI, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion
- Header Section
- Hero Section
- Social Proof Section
- Pricing Section
- Call To Action Section
- Footer Section
- Mobile Responsive Navbar
- Responsive for different devices
- Optimized for Next.js and Vercel
npx nyxbui@latest template
and choose the portfolio template
Before you create a Pull Request, please check whether your commits comply with the commit conventions used in this repository.
When you create a commit, we kindly ask you to follow the convention :emoji: category(scope or module): message
in your commit message. The available emojis and categories can be found at conventional-emoji-commits.
Examples of commit messages:
:sparkles: feat(components): add new prop to the avatar component
:bug: fix(button): correct button alignment issue
:memo: docs(readme): update installation instructions
:robot: chore(directory): move file to parent directory
For a detailed specification, you can visit the conventional-emoji-commits page.
Licensed under the MIT license.