Everyone starts at 60% normal size.
Every kill grows you, and your health, by 15%.
Feel free to reuse this mod or any parts of it. Just rename any derivative mods to something else to avoid confusion.
In the Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=226726898
The "Creating the Giant Slayers mod" tutorial: https://tornbannerjira.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20054366
To start a game offline, in the console, do:
open aocffa-arena3_p?modname=giantslayers (use 'maplist ffa' to get a list of all FFA maps)
To use this on a server:
1a) Add this switch to the server's command line to have it download automatically:
1b) OR, download the mod with a client (using the launcher) and upload it to the server's UDKGame/CookedSDK/__CMWSDKFiles directory
2a) After logging in as an admin:
admin servertravel aocffa-arena3_p?modname=giantslayers (note: Giant Slayers will now run as your default mode until you either servertravel to a different mod, or restart the server)
2b) OR, start the server with ?modname=giantslayers appended to the map name; an example of a full command line including the -sdkfileid:
chivalry_ded_server/Binaries/Win64/UDK.exe aocffa-arena3_p?dedicated=true?steamsockets?modname=giantslayers -seekfreeloadingserver -sdkfileid=226726898