Releases: Borion-Updated/Releases
1.21.3X Beta 2
This is NOT an update to support 1.21.4X, just an update to fix a few bugs.
- Fixed ChestESP hitboxes
- Fixed NameTag visibility not updating correctly when toggling NameTags
- Fixed Borion banner not showing in main menu
- Fixed AutoArmor crash
- Fixed AutoClicker crash
1.21.3X Beta
First beta for 1.21.3X
Please report bugs and give a detailed description and stuff
1.21.2X Beta 2
Small hotfix
- Fixed server related checks (e.g. when executing .give)
- Fixed issues with .give and .setoffhand
- Fixed Nametag health bug
- Fixed AutoGapple, AutoTotem, BowAimbot and a FastEat check
- Fixed issues with teleporting
- Improved "Standard" and "Outline" ESP modes
- Added "Server" option to HUD (displays server you're playing on)
- Added "Buttons" option to HUD (displays custom buttons in main menu)
And more releases to come, maybe...
1.21.2X Beta
First Beta for 1.21.2X :)
As this is a Beta, it may be unstable, so please report them in the bugs and suggestions channel on our Discord with a description to reproduce the bug (if necessary) and provide your config!
- 1.21.2X support
- Added fake blocking to Killaura
- Executing .seed now copies the seed to your clipboard
- Aimbot range has been increased
- AutoClicker now uses CPS
- Added randomization to AutoClicker
- .xray now does the thing
- The giant Borion banner can be toggled now
- Added AutoWalk
- Added RGB and opacity sliders to ESP and Tracer
- Fix "Display Target" option in Killaura
- Add SafeWalk
Hello everybody and welcome back to another release, this isn't a massive one but still nice, fixes and new modules/features that were highly requested!
New Features:
- Added Hide and Seek Tool module (useful + requested)
- Added health check to AutoTotem
- Added "backup" option to AutoTotem (useful + requested)
- Added FastPlace module
- Added "randomize" option to AutoClicker
- No longer print out addresses of 2 game classes upon injection 💀
- Warning for unsupported Minecraft version
- Moved FastBreak from Misc ClickGui category to World
- Improved .path SLIGHTLY
- Improved AutoClicker
- Improved Scaffold's extend mode
- Fixed Radar crash
- Fixed stuff in AutoTotem
- Fixed Scaffold trying to build with Hive boomboxes
- Fixed AutoArmor and InventoryCleaner (armor sorting works properly in all modules now)
- Fixed a crash with Nametags
- Fixed "murder tool" option in Nametags
- Fixed MurderTool
Thanks again for always supporting Borion, we know we did not deliver last update and understand that the updates are less frequent and contain less changes. We are currently working on another project as well but Borion will still focus on updating first. Thanks, make sure to join the Discord.
1.20.8X NoRender
Small pre-release fixing NoRender
Thank you for still supporting Borion
1.20.8X Beta
First 1.20.8X beta
Updates will come less frequent from now on because we want to focus on other projects.
- Initial 1.20.8X update
- Fix arraylist
- Hitbox check adjustments
- Fix ESP box inaccuracy and another issue
- Fix nametags not being rendered for friends
- Regen update
- Tracer fix
- Automatic: TreasureWars is BedWars now
- Fix AutoTotem
- Add VelocityMul(tiplier)
- Velocity fix
- Lower min teleport distance for TPAura
- Min HighJump multiplier is 0.1 instead of 1 now
- Fix .seed
- Borion logo position and scaling adjustments
- Improve Zoom
- Improve/Fix Switcher
Thank you for still using Borion. Please report any bugs in our discord, but please do not make duplicates! Also view post guidelines before making a bug report.
1.20.7X back
We're back :)
- Fix .bind not returning the key name
- Fix Nick (an error message will be displayed if Nick would be going haywire)
- Fix dimension related stuff (e. g. Waypoints)
- Fix Freecam
- Fix AutoClicker with Only weapons when weapons aren't enchanted
- Slight performance improvements
- Fix crashes related to ESP, NameTags and probably more
- Add option to copy deathcoords to clipboard in DeathLogger
Thanks for supporting Borion for no reason :) Report any bugs in our Discord. Reports without any details will be deleted
1.20.7X Upgrade
This was an April Fools joke and should not be used as a real client release
A new update after just a little amount of time!
This BRAND NEW update is just the beginning of a new era of Borion!
We are excited to say that we finally made Borion a bit better!
We have upgraded our resources to bring you the best Borion experience yet!
Please do not report any issues regarding this version because it's just too perfect!!
You NEED to experience the new features yourself!
IMPORTANT: Due to massive changes in the code base, we suggest everyone making a backup of their configs just in case. We have tested the release thoroughly and didn't encounter any issues, but we still want you to be safe!!
1.20.7X Beta
First beta for 1.20.7X!
- Updated to 1.20.7X
Please report any bugs and crashes you find and give details! Bug/Crash reports like "crash", "I crash" without any other information will be deleted.