Welcome to Space Invaders! This project is a Python-based game developed using the Pygame library. The game challenges players to defend their spaceship from waves of alien enemies. The player can move their spaceship up, down, left, and right while shooting bullets to destroy the enemies. The game features background music, sound effects, and dynamic enemy movements, offering an engaging and nostalgic gaming experience.
- Player spaceship movement and shooting
- Multiple enemies with random positions and movements
- Collision detection between bullets and enemies
- Score tracking and display
- Background music and sound effects
To run this game, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can download it from python.org.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/BillyHasman/py-game-spaceInvaders.git cd py-game-spaceInvaders
Install Pygame:
pip install pygame
Navigate to the project directory and run the game script:
python py-game-spaceInvaders