This project performs sentiment analysis on the NBA derived from Twitter data.
- /app - webapp files
- /data - database related files
- /twitter - twitter data collection files
- /nba_stats - nba statistics collection files
- Install python3
- Install tweepy
- 'pip install tweepy'
- Install textblob
- 'pip install textblob'
- 'python -m textblob.download_corpora'
- Change directory to the data folder
- Run
- Change directory to the twitter folder
- Add twitter credentials to
- Run
- Install python3
- Install nba_py
- 'pip install nba_py'
- Change directory to nba_stats
- Run
- Run
- Install nodejs
- Change directory to app
- Install required node modules
- 'npm install'
- Run server
- 'node server.js'
- Make use of API
- Add more API calls
- nba_stats needs to run daily
- Code cleanup
- combine db_prep and create_db