ℹ️ This fork is a refactoring of the original project to upgrade to the latest Expo SDK version (currently v51).
- Upgrade Expo to version 51
- Redux -> React useContext and useReducer hooks
- Redux Form -> React Hook Form
- React Navigation -> Expo Router
- JavaScript -> TypeScript
- React class components -> function component
- Use mocked data and API
- Translate verbiage to English
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npx expo start
In the output, you'll find options to open the app in a
- development build
- Android emulator
- iOS simulator
- Expo Go, a limited sandbox for trying out app development with Expo
- Authentication (Signup, Login, Reset Password).
- Login with Touch/Face ID.
- Real time update.
- User Profile (Upload, Edit Profile Picture, Address).
- Lottie Animation Icon (https://lottiefiles.com/)
- Header Animation.
- Add Items to Cart, to wishlist.
- Place an Order.
- Payment Methods: cash, credit card.
- Push notification to user whenever order status, user information change.
- Send email for reseting password as well as update order information.
- Share Products to Social Media.
- Review, Comment, Rating Product (In Processing)
- React Native
- Expo managed workflows.
- UI framework: Reac Native Paper
- Intro slides: Animated, onScroll Event for animation.
- Header Animation: Animated, React Animatable.
- Form: react-hook-form form validation.
- Icon: Lottie, React native vector icon.
- Payment: React native credit card, Stripe server for card validation checking.
- Loader: Skeleton loader, Linear gradient.
- State Management: React useContext and useReducer hooks.
- Image Picker: Expo image picker.
- Deep Link: Expo Linking.
- Touch/Face ID: react native touch id, react native keychain, expo authentication
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome. Thanks alot