A python implementation of MIP-Kmeans algorithm
usage: run.py [-h] [--ofile OFILE] [--sfile SFILE] [--n_rep N_REP]
[--init {random,kmpp}] [--convergence {label,shift}]
[--m_iter M_ITER] [--tol TOL] [--constraint_laziness {0,1,2,3}]
dfile cfile k
Run MIP-Kmeans algorithm
positional arguments:
dfile data file
cfile constraint file
k number of clusters
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ofile OFILE file to store the output
--sfile SFILE file to which to append the summary
--n_rep N_REP number of times to repeat the algorithm
--init {random,kmpp} initialization method
--convergence {label,shift}
convergence criterion
--m_iter M_ITER maximum number of iterations of the main loop
--tol TOL tolerance for deciding on convergence
--constraint_laziness {0,1,2,3}
whether to first add the constraints or only if they
are violated
To see a run of the algorithm on example data and constraints, run the script test.sh
The program uses Gurobi solver to solve the assignment subproblem. You should also install the python interface to gurobi (the gurobipy