This repository contains some useful scripts, themes and widgets for Trilium
This is a script that sorts to-dos into 6 categories: Overdue, Today, This Week, This Month, This Year, Future
This widget is pulled from and is only kept here for reference. All credits go to @SiriusXT
This simple CSS adds extra padding to any notes with the #cssClass=margin-top label. Useful for headings.
These set of scripts allow you to use the full capabilities of the Trilium desktop interface while on a mobile device.
A script that toggles a task between Now, Next or Later note
A widget to set the priority color of a note
A script that finds notes that have a specific template and clone them as a subnote of a parent note
This is a script that lets you quickly add or remove tasks to or from a specific "Starred" note
This widget allows you to easily set the template of the current note using a dropdown.
This theme has a heavy emphasis on the use of white backgrounds throughout the interface for light users. Light greys and other non white colors are removed where possible. A light blue color is used as an accent for controls, headings and other areas of interest
Script to update repeating to-dos. Tasks can be repeated every x days, weeks, months and years. Weekly tasks can also repeat on specific days. Monthly tasks can also be repeated on specific weekdays (eg first Sunday)
A script to reschedule a task to tomorrow (one day ahead)