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MAGNAT2645 edited this page Sep 17, 2020 · 52 revisions

Boss Changes:

Triple Damage:

Adds the option to get rid of the extra damage dealt to players when the initial damage is below 160. This means weapons like the Bat or Knife is not tripled so damage may be a bit short. Public bosses probably already have settings to counter the triple damage, so you may to add "triple" "1" to their boss settings. However you can choose leave ff2_triplewep on if you want to keep it.

Random Critical Hits:

Adds a "crits" setting for bosses if they can random crit. This allows the ability to give some bosses random crits. ff2_crits control what's the default setting if bosses don't have a defined "crits" setting.


Adds the option to allow bosses to take knockback from their own weapons like the Rocket Launcher. To enable, set ff2_selfknockback to 1 or "knockback" "1" on a boss. The boss can not hurt itself through this, however it can kill himself if the damage is higher than it's current health.

Strange Rank:

The edit applies a random strange rank to the boss's weapon. This feature is may not work 100% right and always give Hale's Own rank. You can set the strange rank by "rank" in the boss's weapon. The different rank names are shown here. However non-damaging weapons aren't supported yet.

Weapon Level/Quality:

Allows being able to modify the boss's weapon quality and level, a very minor feature. "level" overrides the boss's strange rank if "rank" is left undefined. "quality" is also simple, the qualities are shown in TF2's files.

Blocked Bosses:

Official FF2 already blocks bosses with "blocked". This edit also blocks bosses using "donator", "admin", and "owner". This is for boss selector plugins to be able to allow choosing a boss but with the required admin flags/permissions.

Increased Number of Abilities:

Maximum number of abilities is increased from 14 to 62. Just note that more boss abilities can slightly increase the lag on the server. (Limit can be changed in-code.)

Fork-Only Bosses:

Allows bosses when their "version" is set to 99. This is used for bosses who only operate correctly under this fork. Official FF2 versions will block bosses with this, so only use it for bosses who are dependent on what the fork has. You can also specify a specific fork version through "fversion", "fversion_minor", and "fversion_stable".

No First-Round Bosses:

Allows blocking bosses from being played during the first round of FF2. This helps when some bosses may have bugs when their played in the first round. "nofirst" blocks bosses from being selected by random or the boss selection menu during arena rounds.

Ragedamage Options:

Adds two settings to "ragedamage", infinite rage by having "ragedamage "0" and disabled rage and HUD by having "ragedamage "-1"

Boss Speed Options:

Adds two more settings to "maxspeed", frozen in place by having "maxspeed "0" and not having FF2 manage the speed by "maxspeed" "-1"

Rage Minimum, Maximum, and Mode:

Allows bosses to have a different way of using their rage by adjusting the minimum amount required to rage, maximum amount of rage to have, and how the rage is used.

Control Point and Countdown Timer Settings:

Allows bosses to adjust the control point and countdown timer settings, similar to cvars. (Of course this will not be companion compatible due to the nature of this.) "pointtype", "pointdelay", "pointalive", "pointtime", "countdownhealth", "countdownalive", "countdowntime", "countdownovertime" respectively.

Cosmetic Boss Weapon Options:

Adds many settings for boss weapons, including the color, alpha, and world model. "red", "blue", "green", "alpha", "worldmodel".

Override Base Attributes:

Includes an option to "override" the base attributes that FF2 gives, such as the damage bonus and capture rate. "override" will also remove the strange rank unless "rank" is defined.


Adds the option to keep the cosmetic loadout of the player's last played class with "cosmetic". Also an option to give a cosmetic to a boss (requires equipwearable.txt) with the same options as giving weapons.

Map Exclude:

Adds the option to disallow specific bosses on certain maps, they will be disabled to play.

Specific Goomba & Capping:

Adds the option to disallow/allow certain types of players (eg. Bosses, Players, Companions/Minions) from using Goomba or capturing the control point.

Music Change Events:

Allows any sound played by the boss to change the current theme instead, this also includes the song name and artist.

Core Changes:

Data Filepath:

This edit allows files such as characters.cfg, doors.cfg, and maps.cfg in data/freak_fortress_2/. This is recommended for convenience but no longer required.

Sniper Damage:

Sniper Rifle and Huntsman damage can be changed via ConVars. There's also ConVars to change Sniper Rifle's mini-crit damage and each damage multiplier for the Huntsman.

Developer and Debug, Commands and Outputs:

Adds admin commands for loading/reload charsets (boss packs), custom weapons, certain sub-plugins, and FF2 itself (not recommended), all without changing the map. Also includes rage testing commands such has infinite rage or setting the charge. This edit also adds debug ConVars for checking specific events that FF2 does.

Custom Weapons:

Weapons are indeed still hard-coded but also done by config too, similar to SHADoW's edit but the option to use hard-coded weapons along-side config weapons.


Gives players a killstreak based on damage done which is also a feature from SHADoW's edit and a superior to this plugin.

Increased Number of Bosses:

The maximum number of bosses in a character set increased from 64 to 128. (This can be changed in-code.)

Ullapool Caber:

Changes to how the Ullapool Caber works, instead of multiple denotations, one single high-damage explosion is done (similar to Market Gardener or Backstab). Multiple denotations can still be re-enabled and automatically nerfs the damage.

Wall Climb:

This edit does put the wall climb plugin into it's code. However it can be adjusted, via ConVars, or disabled entirely.

Boss Preferences Menu:

Adds built-in boss selection and toggle menu, along with a companion toggle aswell. The GUI is similar to those of Eggman's Boss Selector, jasonfrog's Boss Toggler, and SHADoW NiNE TR3S's Boss Preferences. There are many options and ConVars designed for this menu including keeping a boss selection until disconnect, seeing boss description before confirming selection, etc.

Reworked Music System:

Reworks the Music system allowing the song name and artist to be shown in chat or in the menu. The menu also includes options to skip, toggle, and view list of songs. This can be disabled by ff2_advanced_music ConVar and/or ff2_song_name.

Improved Voice System:

More voicelines are disabled when ff2_voice is toggled off by the player. This also removes the menu and toggle on or off instead if ff2_advanced_music ConVar is enabled.

Custom HUD:

Adds the ability to change center text HUDs into game_text_tf entities has HUD replacements, ff2_text_game ConVar controls this. ff2_text_msg controls what's normally hint texts into annotations or game_text_tf entities as well. ff2_text_name determines to show the player's or boss's name in messages and "icon" boss setting determines to show a custom icon instead of default killstreak icon.

Shield Block Settings:

Allowed to choose the method of how Razorbacks and Demo-shields react when being hit. ff2_shield_type determines this.

0 - Does nothing.
1 - Destroys the shield and take no damage from the boss. (Official Styled)
2 - Destroys the shield and take no damage from the boss or minions if the player could not survive it normally.
3 - Gives resistances on ranged attacks with a HP gauge before breaking, melee hits from the boss or minions destroys this outright, gives no damage, and one second speed boost. (BBG Styled)
4 - Gives resistances on all attacks with a HP gauge before breaking, will break outright if the player can't survive a hit normally, gives no damage on it breaking destroyed.

ff2_shield_health and ff2_shield_resistance determine the max health and resistance if setting is 3 or 4.


Adds the option to extend the round into OVERTIME! when the countdown timer ends and a player or the boss is currently capturing the control point.

Rock, Paper, Scissors:

Adds options for be able to bet queue points against teammates and minions, be able to slay the boss after a certain amount of loses, and to divide the boss's health by a certain amount.


Adds in the StatTrak which records player's boss wins, loses, kills, deaths, boss slains, and MVPs. There is also various ConVars to prevent farming or cheating the system to give out good statistics. Also includes options to make player's stats private or only visible by an admin.

Healing HUD:

Adds the option to show healing done towards teammates (excluding overheal) in the same place of player's damage done. This also counts for spectating another player.

Custom Error Log:

Moved error messages caused by configs or bosses to logs/freak_fortress_2/ff2_errors.log to simplify SourceMod's error log.

Merged Subplugin:

Merged all the default subplugins into one. Also adds extra options for bosses such as scale-by-player stun rages or modified CBS bow.

Solo Rage Shaming:

Toggle whether to insult bosses for solo raging (through new stun) a player. Gives a similar Pokémon styled message, resulting in either being "Super Effective" or "Not Very Effective".

Teleport to Spawn:

Adds the ability to teleport the boss to spawn when they touch or fall into a hazard. Formatting is similar to maps.cfg and doors.cfg

Teammate Statistics:

Allows to view teammate's damage (or other stats) as if spectating them. ConVar can limit the range of viewing teammate stats.

Boss vs Boss Mode:

A new alternative gamemode where the teams are evened and both teams have a boss(es). There is many settings to this such as the chance of the mode appearing, how many bosses, mercs fight mercs, etc. There is many compatibly problems with this mode because of subplugins using BossTeam natives or just hardcoding BLU team as the boss team. This also introduces some settings to help boss compatibility with this mode such as forcing the boss's team to maintain a working subplugin.

Spy Disguises:

When a Spy disguises as a boss, his model will be the same as the boss towards the boss team while keeping the normal disguised model towards the merc team. The Spy will also copy the same voicelines via catch_phrase, sound_block_vo, etc. This uses romevision and standard vision so it may effect other plugins that uses different visions.

HUD Toggle:

Players are able to toggle certain HUD elements that are shown by FF2. This includes the damage/StatTrak counter, Shield HP/Ubercharge/Sapper/Dead Ringer extras, Backstabs/Goomba/Garden/Caber messages, countdown timer, and boss health.

Class Info:

Weapon information for players now show up per-weapon to what their current loadout is, it can be adjusted via freak_fortress_2_weaps.phrases.txt


Added support for SteamWorks for changing the server's game description, this is preferred over SteamTools.

Character Wildcards:

characters.cfg can now perform wildcards with names and folders (eg. pack1/* saxt*)