Title Prefixes:
A bug you may find, include error logs and the version[Request]
A feature you may want in the fork[Suggestion]
Non-code releated subject, usually do with GitHub itself[Question]
A question about the fork or the GitHub[?]
If your not sure which will fit the prefixes
(If your issue has more than one, choice which seems apporitate)
Rest of the title should be on it's about, introduction give a summary on what the issue is about.
Later, include any information you can about the subject, like current version or how it will improve.
Title Prefixes:
A bug you may have fixed or a minor tweak[Feature]
A feature or enhancement to add in[Major]
The big pull requests, usually >1000 lines changed with both fixes and features[Update]
A update pull request, usually directed to master branch
(If none of these fit, it's alright)
Rest of the title should be what it adds/fixes, give off information on why it should be added.
If there are mistakes, we can resolve them, no need to close and make a new one later.
Pull requests should go to development branch and NEVER master branch!
bool GlobalVariable;
public Action OnThisEvent(Handle localHandle, int &localInt, const char[] localString)
if(localHandle == INVALID_HANDLE)
return Plugin_Handled;
if(strlen(localString) && StringToInt(localString)==localInt) // Commment have tabs
char localString2[64];
case 2:
strcopy(localString2, sizeof(localString2), "Small Example");
case 5:
localInt = 3;
for(int i; i<5; i++)
float yes;
case 2:
strcopy(localString2, sizeof(localString2), "Large Example");
yes = (5.0/localInt) + 2.1;
case 7:
yes = 2.6 - float(localInt);
strcopy(localString2, sizeof(localString2), DEFINESUSEALLCAPS);
while(localInt > 0)
yes += 1.3;
return yes>5 ? Plugin_Stop : Plugin_Continue;
if(localInt < 0)
return Plugin_Continue;
GlobalVariable = true;
return Plugin_Continue;