Welcome to my first laravel library
This library has 2 configs which sets original file paths and filters (resizing templates)
* Mapping key represent where the original image file placed
* Example you store your blog images into uploads/blogs
* Then your mapping should be like 'mapping' => [
* "blogs" => "uploads/blogs"
* ]
* blogs key represent the module parameter of your route , This means when you send blogs module parameter
* Library will search under uploads/blogs to find original file
'mapping' => [
* Filters key represent the resizing width and height of template
* such as 'thumb' => ['width' => 100 ,'height' => 100 ]
'filters' => [
As you can see above you should set mapping and filters attributes of cache-image config file.
###How to install
composer require kvnc/cache-images
Run this command on your terminal at the root of your laravel project
##Configure To publish config file you should do vendor publish action
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kvnc\CacheImages\CacheImageProvider
Then set config file And set your image file name eg duplicated.jpg to duplicated+jpg and send to route
you can use our helper function to send file on route
function getResizedImageUrl($filter,$module,$image_url): string
$image = implode('+',explode('.',basename($image_url)));
return route('kvnc_image_cache.cache',['filter'=>$filter,'module' => $module, 'filename'=> $image]);
Call getResizedImageUrl
in any image tag you need
Have fun Thanks for reading