This repository provides a communication channel for customers using the Microsoft Azure Batch service.
- Stack Overflow azure-batch tagged questions
- Microsoft Q&A azure-batch tagged questions
- Read-Only: MSDN Forum - please post new questions under GitHub issues, Microsoft Q&A, or Stack Overflow
- Ideas Community Feedback
- Batch Explorer: monitor, manage and debug your Batch resources with a cross-platform UI
- Azure CLI: command-line interface for managing Azure resources with support for Batch
- Azure Batch SDK Samples: code samples using the Azure Batch SDK in various languages
- aztk: on-demand Spark clusters on Azure Batch
- Batch Shipyard: provision, execute and monitor container-based batch processing and HPC workloads on Azure Batch
- doAzureParallel: parallel backend on Azure Batch for the foreach package in R
- Azure Storage Explorer: manage contents of your Azure Storage accounts with a cross-platform UI
- AzCopy: data transfer tool for Azure Storage
- blobxfer: cross-platform Azure storage data movement tool
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