Can you brick-break to a big highscore!?
Brick-breaker game inspired by Arkanoid written in Python using the PyGame library.
For Windows check the Releases to get our latest installer or executable.
To run directly install PyGame for your Python environment and run
with Python.
Hit the ball and do not let it fall!
- move paddle left: a, w, left-arrow, up-arrow
- move paddle right: d, s, right-arrow, down-arrow
- Exit game: escape
Collect powerups:
- green B Boost powerups (10% drop rate) to get a ball boost
- magenta L Life powerups (5% drop rate) to get a life boost
Break bricks and clear levels for points.
Requires pyinstaller package.
- To build executable:
pyinstaller Breaker.spec
- more powerup types
- Start menu
- Level layouts
[1] PyGame
[2] Arkanoid levels
[3] Arkanoid gameplay