Proposal: Mirror an entire github organization into gitea organization
Create one or two organiations in gittea, e.g. starred and personal or just one mirror organisation. Create an application token to use as Access_token
The script runs forever, every 12 hours it executes API calls to retrieve either your starred or public repositories and mirrors them to your local gitea( or forks from this project) server.
Feel free to change it to a one time only script and calling it in a cronjob.
edit .env
the way you need it
docker-compose up --build
export LOCAL_GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN="your_access_token"
export LOCAL_GIT_URL="your_git_url"
export GIT_USER="your_git_user"
export TARGET_ORG="your_target_org"
export MODE="your_mode"
bash "${GIT_USER}" "${TARGET_ORG}" "${MODE}"