A simple web crawler service named spider (server and client) built in Django/Python language. Client script is available in Golang and Python language. The server would receive requests from a client to crawl a URL and should send the response i.e sitemap back to the client. Client will do a POST request with data as json would look like:
"base_url": "https://foobar.com/baz",
"depth": 2,
- The URL to be crawled.depth
- The depth to which you expect the spider to crawl.
The Service/Server which is crawler is limited to one domain - so when you start with https://redhat.com/foo/bar
, it would crawl all pages within redhat.com, but not follow external links, for example to Facebook and Twitter accounts.
So, given a URL, the client send requests for the url to be crawled and should print a simple sitemap, showing the links between pages. E.g. given http://foobar.com/baz the client may print the sitemap in a tree form as follows
- bar/
- xyz
- abc
- mno
- about
- contacts
- has
- more links
- more links
- more links
Server is deployed in a Kuberenets cluster. The docker image of server is available in docker hub at asis80/spider with tag redis
Prerequists: Docker, kubectl and minikube should be already installed in your local system.
- Step 1: clone the project to your local system.
git clone https://github.com/AsisBagga/Django-WebCrawler.git
- Step 1: Run k8s deployment manifest
kubectl apply -f deployment-definition.yaml
- Step 2: Run your K8s service manifest
kubectl apply -f service-definitation.yaml
- Step 3: Do port forwarding
- minikube:
- minikube service django-spider —url
- K8s Cluster without LoadBalancer:
- kubectl port-forward deploy/django-spider 8080:8000
- minikube:
- Step 5: Once your deployment pods are running goto chorme to verify its reachable at
- Step 6: If it is reachable over chrome then run your client.py file as
python client.py
it would revert with a sitemap.
Note: if you may find any issues, I am reachable at asisbagga@gmail.com. Although, you can login to the pod to check if redis-server is up by running command
redis-cli ping
it should reply as "PONG"