De & go mobile app is a remote controller for De & go Discord bot and the bot can only be controlled using this app.
we can give command to the bot to delete messages from the channel using the app with the help of Discord Webhook.
De & go: The Discord Message Deleter-Mobile App is now available on Play Store✌.
Using De & go bot you can delete the messages with your own choice & style and keep you your server ever shining✨.
There are 7 deleters🤩 to delete the messages from your server:
Specific Message Deleter:
It deletes the specified user's message using User ID
Webhook Message Deleter:
It deletes the webhooks messages.
Bot Message Deleter:
It deletes the bot messages.
Not Bot Message Deleter:
It excludes all bot messages and delete other messages.
Pinned Message Deleter:
It deletes only the pinned messages.
Unpinned Message Deleter:
It deletes only the unpinned messages.
All Message Deleter:
It deletes all type messages.
🔸 The Last 100 messages will be deleted from all selected channels at a time using above mentioned Deleters.
🔸 And no messages older than 2 weeks can be deleted using API according to Discord Limitations.
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