- Go/Golang
- Gin module (https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin)
- mongo Go Driver (https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver)
- NoSQL - MongoDB
Gin - Web Framework, like express for node
Personal Portfolio Rest api
Schema (in typescript):
interface IUser {
name: string;
description: string;
tag: string;
skills: ISkill[];
projects: IProject[];
interface ISkill {
id: string; // unique id, if i am using a db i.e
sill: string;
levelOfMastery: number; // Kindda like experience, out ot 5
interface IProject {
id: string; // unique id, if i am using a db i.e
title: string;
description: string;
skills: ISkill[];
link: string;
startTime: Date | string;
endTime: Date | string;
- User can add details about themselves
- User should be able to create skills
- User should be able to add/remove sills to their profile
- User should be able to create Projects
- User should be able to add/remove projects to their profile
- GET /api/user/ Show User full details
- PUT /api/user/ Update User details
- POST /api/user User can add details about themselves
- GET /api/skill Get all skills
- POST /api/skill User can create skills
- DELETE /api/skill/:skillId User can delete skills
- GET /api/project/ Get all projects
- POST /api/project User can create projects
- PUT /api/project/:projectId/:skillId User can add skills to projects
- DELETE /api/project/:projectId User can delete projects
- POST /api/user/skill/:skillId add skill to User profile
- POST /api/user/project/:projectId add project to User profile
- Postman
Link: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/8802598/TzY1iH55
Create a .env file: