You can download the relevant THINGS-EEG data set and THINGS-MEG data set at .
The raw and preprocessed EEG dataset, the training and test images and the DNN feature maps are available on osf.
To reproduce our results, please run:
for i in {1..10}; do \
python --eeg_dir EEG2/ --subject $i --print_frequency 1 \
--out_dir results/inter_subjects/ --epochs 40 --num_layers 8 --dropout 0.1 --hidden_dim 128 \
--lr 3e-4 --batch_size 256 --experiment_name _new_baseline --optimiser AdamW --val_imgs 9 \
--num_workers 4 --arch atm --feature_dir ViT-B-16__laion400m_e31__visual-language__1024/ \
--avg_concept ; \