It is the release of the Photoarc app with normal social media app functionality.
made in a flutter with node.js, express, and Postgres SQL as backend.
- custom photo feed based on following users'.
- Users can post an image of any height.
- awesome animation between navigation of two pages.
- shimmer loading effect while data is syncing.
- Search page
- With trending posts grid view.
- Profile page
- follows/unfollow the user
- edit profile.
- change user's avatar image
- generate user profile links and send that to the various platforms. (with firebase dynamic links)
- Notification Page
- shows all comments and follows user notifications.
- delete the notification by right swipe.
- Post
- like the post.
- comment on posts and see all comments.
- delete comments. (only post owner and commenter can)
- shows the list of who liked the post.
- share post links to the various platforms.
- copy URL.
- open post image in the browser.
- user can delete their own post.
- create post.
- crop image
- upload from the gallery.
- Users can add captions to post.